Teller Report

The General Sports Authority enters the world of metaphysics

10/10/2022, 2:10:35 PM

The General Sports Authority is participating in GITEX Global 2022 with a series of technical projects that aim to enhance the sports culture in society and expand public attraction by relying on the latest advanced global technologies and artificial intelligence.The authority launches through the exhibition

The General Sports Authority enters the world of metaphysics

The General Sports Authority is participating in GITEX Global 2022 with a series of technical projects that aim to enhance the sports culture in society and expand public attraction by relying on the latest advanced global technologies and artificial intelligence.

Through the exhibition, the authority will launch several virtual global sports projects, the first of their kind at the state and international level, "Virtual Sports City", "Emirates Sports Encyclopedia" and "Sports Entities Platform", which contributes to developing the technical presence in the sports sector, and increasing public attraction by providing Sports information for the various segments of society and to facilitate obtaining attractive offers and discounts to encourage the transformation of sports into a lifestyle.

Saeed Abdul Ghaffar Hussain, Secretary-General of the authority, said: “Participation in GITEX represents an opportunity for all parties to exchange ideas and learn about the latest technical projects and the latest technologies. The UAE has always been the capital of innovation and technical development by relying on smart systems and using human creativity in Employing these systems and making the best use of them.”

He continued: "Through the new technical projects, the authority aspires to get closer to all members of society, specifically the youth group who are attracted by modern technologies, which we are working to achieve through the "Virtual Sports City". The UAE is a pioneer in launching such projects, as it allows access to an interactive experience in many sports activities through the world of “Metaverse” and based on advanced technologies.

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