Teller Report

State Administration for Market Regulation: Market entities have increased by more than 100 million in ten years

10/10/2022, 5:27:50 AM

The latest data released by the State Administration for Market Regulation today (10th) shows that in the past ten years, the total number of market players in my country has achieved a historic breakthrough. According to the State Administration for Market Regulation, behind the continuous development and growth of market entities is the fundamental change in my country's commercial system in the process of deepening the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.

  The latest data released by the State Administration for Market Regulation today (10th) shows that in the past ten years, the total number of market players in my country has achieved a historic breakthrough.

As of the end of August 2022, the number of registered market entities reached 163 million, compared with 55 million at the end of 2012, a net increase of over 100 million, with an average annual growth rate of 12%.

Among them, the number of enterprises increased from more than 13 million to more than 51 million, which is close to the sum of the number of enterprises in the United States and the European Union.

The number of enterprises with 1,000 employees increased from 11.4 to 36.1.

Individual industrial and commercial households increased from 40.6 million to 109 million, reaching a new level in history.

Farmers' professional cooperatives increased from less than 700,000 to 2.225 million, an increase of more than 2 times.

  By the end of August 2022, the number of private enterprises in my country has more than quadrupled from more than 10 million at the end of 2012 to more than 47 million, and the proportion of private enterprises has increased from less than 80% to more than 90%.

Not only has the number increased, but the overall strength of private enterprises has also been greatly enhanced, and private enterprises have continued to enter the world's top 500.

my country unswervingly promotes high-level opening to the outside world, and implements the pre-entry national treatment plus negative list system for foreign investment.

Over the past ten years, no matter how the international situation has changed, my country is still a hot spot for attracting international investment. The number of foreign-invested enterprises has increased from 441,000 to 668,000, an increase of more than 50%. The new development pattern promoted has played an important role.

The common development of market entities with various ownerships fully demonstrates the advantages and vitality of the basic socialist economic system with Chinese characteristics.

  With the continuous growth of the total number of market entities, the simultaneous optimization and upgrading of structure and quality has become one of the significant trends in the development of market entities in my country.

As of the end of August 2022, the ratio of the number of market entities in the first, second and third industries nationwide is 5:10:85, and the ratio of the number of enterprises in the first, second and third industries is 3:20:77, and the tertiary industry occupies a dominant position.

New technologies, new industries, new business forms and new models are constantly emerging. The number of registered "Four New Economy" enterprises has reached more than 23 million, accounting for 46.4% of all enterprises. Ten thousand households continued to grow to 3.84 million in 2021, constantly accumulating new momentum for my country's economic development and international competitiveness.

  Since 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has had a huge impact on the world economy, and my country's market players have faced unprecedented pressure.

Facing the complex and severe domestic and foreign environment, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council regard "six stability" and "six guarantees" as macroeconomic policy orientations, closely linking micro-subjects, and have introduced a package of assistance measures in taxation, finance, employment, social security, etc. Do everything possible to relieve the difficulties of market entities, and ensure that market entities have achieved remarkable results.

Since 2020, my country's market entities have continued to grow, with a net increase of more than 37 million households, accounting for 35% of the total net increase in the past ten years, and the economy has shown greater resilience.

  According to the State Administration for Market Regulation, behind the continuous development and growth of market entities is the fundamental change in my country's commercial system in the process of deepening the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.

As the first move in the reform of the State Council's "delegation, regulation and service" reform, the commercial system reform was fully implemented in March 2014.

A series of reform measures, such as changing the paid-in registered capital system to the subscription system, simplifying domicile registration, and self-declaration of names, have effectively lowered the market access threshold.

Reforms such as "first license before license", "multi-certificate integration", "separation of license and license", electronic process of the whole process, and facilitation of cancellation have greatly reduced the pre-approval items for registration, streamlined enterprise-related licenses in an orderly manner, and effectively reduced the registration process, which has greatly improved the ease of registration.

The average start-up time of Chinese enterprises has been reduced from more than one month before the reform to less than 4 working days, the average cancellation time has been reduced from 100 days to 60 days, and the simple cancellation is only about 20 days.

Since the reform, the global ranking of China's business environment has jumped from 96th to the latest 31st.

The ease of starting a business ranking jumped from 150th to 27th.

my country has become one of the economies with the greatest improvement in the business environment in the world.

  The State Administration for Market Regulation stated that the sustained and stable growth of various market players has consolidated the micro-foundation of economic development, promoted the formation of my country's super-large market, and accumulated important strategic resources for building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development.

  (Headquarters CCTV reporter Wang Jing)

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