Teller Report

Despite her superiority, the smile did not find a way to her face. The first in high school in Sudan raises eyebrows and justifies her frown.

10/10/2022, 5:46:09 PM

The Sudanese student, Omnia Muhammad Musa, excelled in the general secondary exams, and was the first in the country with a rate of 98%, but in the pictures of success she appeared very frown and never smiled, and the effects of joy did not appear on her face.

An episode (10/10/2022) of the "Shabakat" program sought to find out the secret of her absence of a smile, through an exclusive interview with the student Umniah, who confirmed that she does not usually smile a lot, and that she does not see that the issue should take all this fuss over Social media platforms, stressing that she is looking forward to studying medicine at the university, and that she does not pay attention to what has been written about her or even to those who she said have "bullyed" her.

Commenting on her lack of smile, Ahmed Fakhoury, a network presenter, believes that Umniah is "more intelligent than everyone", and she was very happy with her achievement, and she wanted to document the memory with professional photographs holding the certificate and wearing the hat and graduation gown, because she was diligent and tired until she got the full mark in physics, mathematics and Islamic education. .

One of the famous Tik Tok platform in Sudan sought to meet with her to find out the reasons why she did not laugh, so he took her out and tried to make her laugh, so he sang and clapped with Umniah, but he did not succeed in making her laugh.

However, a recently published photo of Umniah smiling, the Sudanese celebrated her laughter after some bullied her for appearing with a serious face.

Kamal Jouja attacked the bullies of the student and called them to pay attention to the most important matters.

While Abu Azza believes that those who attacked Umniah are the losers, he wrote, "May God guide her and see her in the best and most prestigious position, God willing. As for the bullies, of course, they are failed people, and they have nothing to do but follow the losers like them."

In turn, Muhammad Adam suggested to Umniah a ban on every bully, and he tweeted, "If you were in your place, all the frustrated people would be harassed."

For his part, Halim believes that her smile is beautiful, and he said, "Call her, oh, her smile is beautiful, and the smile in itself makes the invitations multiply, may God grant her success, God willing."