Teller Report

Sofia Jakobsson leaves the national team - travels home to the USA

10/8/2022, 2:45:32 PM

Sofia Jakobsson leaves the national team and travels home to the club team in the USA. The reason is that an important playoff match awaits in the league. - For the national team, playing time in the club team is important for the development of the players, which is why I am making this decision, says national team captain Peter Gerhardsson.

Sofia Jakobsson was substituted with 30 minutes left to play in Friday's 1-1 draw against Spain.

Despite a match against France remaining during the national team gathering, the offensive player returns to the USA and the club San Diego Wave now. 

- For Sofia, an important playoff match awaits in the club team and in order to give her the best opportunity for the right preparations, considering among other things the long journey home with the time change, I have decided that Sofia will now travel home to the USA, says federation captain Peter Gerhardsson in a statement.

Sofia Jakobsson was not at all during the previous national team gathering when Sweden met Finland in the World Cup qualifiers.

Even then, it was because she would focus on the club team.

No replacement is called in.

The match against France will be played on Tuesday 18.30 in Gothenburg.

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Sweden played 1-1 against Spain Photo: TT