Teller Report

Kim Ha-seong, first PS at 2 hits and 3 bases... Ji-eun Choi walks 1 without a hit

10/8/2022, 5:50:46 AM

In the first edition of the MLB postseason, San Diego's Kim Ha-sung and Tampa Bay's Choi Ji-man were mixed. Kim Ha-seong, who played in autumn baseball for the first time in two years in the big leagues, played in the first game of the National League Wild Card Series against the New York Mets at Citi Field, New York, USA as a shortstop 7 hitter, hitting 2 in 3 at-bats and scoring 1 goal. year led to victory.

In the first edition of the MLB postseason, San Diego's Kim Ha-sung and Tampa Bay's Choi Ji-man were mixed.

Kim Ha-seong, who played in autumn baseball for the first time in two years in the big leagues, played in the first game of the National League Wild Card Series against the New York Mets at Citi Field, New York, USA as a shortstop 7 hitter, hitting 2 in 3 at-bats and scoring 1 goal. year led to victory.

He also went on base three times, adding one for him to walk.

With this, Kim Ha-seong became the fourth Korean big leaguer to hit in the big league postseason after Choo Shin-soo and Ryu Hyun-jin and Choi Ji-man.

In particular, Ha-Sung Kim set a milestone as the first Korean major leaguer to hit a multi-hit in his big league fall baseball debut.

San Diego defeated the Mets 7-1 with a counter pitch and four home runs from starting pitcher Darvish Yu and took an advantage in advancing to the Division Series.

Ha-Sung Kim turned out to strike out a swag in the first inning in the 2nd inning, but hit his first postseason hit in the second inning in the 5th, leading 3-0.

Ha-seong Kim advanced to third with Austin Nola's recognized double and hit home with a three-point home run by Yurikson Propar.

And Manny Machado hit a home run from the left center wall that ran away 7-0, effectively dividing the game.

Kim Ha-seong walked on base in the 6th inning, hit a hit that fell on the left line in the last at-bat of the ninth, and sprinted to second base.

Darvish took the win with one run and one run in seven innings.

In Game 1 of the American League Wildcard Series against Cleveland, Ji-man Choi appeared as first baseman in batter 5 times and walked only one hitless walk in 2 at-bat, and lost 2-1 to Tampa Bay.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)