Teller Report

Didier Deschamps will give his list on November 9 on TF1 for the World Cup

10/8/2022, 12:38:54 PM

The coach of the Blues could give between 24 and 26 names depending on the state of the injured, a week before flying to the Middle East

In a whole month, we will know, or almost.

According to information from the


confirmed by


it is on Wednesday November 9 that Didier Deschamps will deliver his list of players selected to defend the title of the Blues in Qatar.

As usual, the tricolor coach will go through the 8 p.m. newspaper of TF1, the main rights holder of the France team.

An outstanding question, however: how many players will be called, knowing that DD can go up to 26, like at Euro 2021.

Nevertheless, the experience had not particularly pleased the staff of the Blues, who had found themselves managing far too many players confined to the bench, including three in the stands at each match, even if in this case all the world could be on the scoresheet in Qatar.

That said, the precarious physical state of certain tricolor executives (Pogba, Lucas Hernandez, Kanté, Koundé, etc.) could lead Deschamps to call 24 or 25 players a week before leaving for Doha, where the Blues will not have time to silly.

Their first match is scheduled against Australia on November 22.


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  • Sport

  • Soccer

  • French team

  • Didier Deschamps

  • Qatar

  • World Cup 2022