Teller Report

Contemporary music composer Toshi Ichiyanagi dies

10/8/2022, 7:57:00 AM

[NHK] Mr. Toshi Ichiyanagi, who presented numerous avant-garde works as a composer of contemporary music and was highly acclaimed worldwide, died at a hospital in Tokyo on the 7th...

Toshi Ichiyanagi, a composer of contemporary music who has released numerous avant-garde works and received worldwide acclaim, passed away at a hospital in Tokyo on the 7th.

she was 89 years old.

Originally from Kobe, Ichiyanagi made his debut as a composer in his teens when he won first prize twice in the composition division of the Mainichi Music Competition when he was in high school.

Later, at the age of 19, he went to the United States to study under John Cage, a leading figure in American experimental music. In addition, he continued to play an active role as one of the avant-garde composers by reinterpreting the instruments of gagaku and traditional Japanese music from a unique perspective and opening up new possibilities, and has been highly acclaimed internationally.

He is also known for composing operas such as "Hikari" and "Byakuya of Love", and has won the "Odaka Award" given to excellent contemporary music five times. In 2018, he was awarded the Order of Cultural Merit for the promotion of contemporary music.

According to his agency, Ichiyanagi passed away at a hospital in Tokyo on the afternoon of the 7th.

he was 89 years old.