Teller Report

That time Sinéad O'Connor tore up a photo of the Pope live

9/24/2022, 8:10:11 AM

A new documentary is dedicated to the singer The Showtime channel is preparing to broadcast a new documentary devoted to Sinéad O'Connor and entitled Nothing Compares after his 1990 hit . she tore up a portrait of Pope John Paul II. First, the artist had taken everyone by surprise by offering an a cappella interpretation of War by Bob Marley while she wanted to denounce the omerta that the Catholic Church imposed on victims of sexual

The Showtime channel is preparing to broadcast a new documentary devoted to Sinéad O'Connor and entitled



after his 1990

hit .

she tore up a portrait of Pope John Paul II.

First, the artist had taken everyone by surprise by offering an a cappella interpretation of


by Bob Marley while she wanted to denounce the omerta that the Catholic Church imposed on victims of sexual abuse by protecting guilty priests.

And at the time of pronouncing the word “demon” present in the lyrics, she had brandished a photo of the sovereign pontiff in front of the camera before tearing it up while chanting: “Fight against the enemy”.

Artist's work

“I had come across an article that talked about families who had tried to file complaints against the Church for sexual abuse, and they were silenced.

Almost all the beliefs I was taught were lies,” Sinéad O'Connor recalls in an excerpt from the documentary.

"I didn't think I had to be strong.

I didn't know I was strong.

Sometimes an artist's job is to initiate difficult but necessary debates.

This is what art exists for.


In recent years, the life of Sinéad O'Connor has been marked by many upheavals.

Converted to Islam in 2018, she encountered great difficulties with her son Shane who ended up committing suicide last January.


Sinead O'Connor reconsiders his decision to retire

  • People

  • Singer

  • Church

  • Controversy

  • Priest