Teller Report

Sarah Michelle Gellar thanks Billie Eilish

9/22/2022, 12:51:04 PM

The pop star named the 'Buffy' star as her teenage crush A few months ago, Billie Eilish revealed on social networks that she had a crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar after watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer when she was a teenager. A statement that made the actress very happy, especially since it was the perfect opportunity to impress her daughter Charlotte. “Oh, that was amazing. I saw it and I thought, “Finally she's going to think I'm cool!”. Hone

A few months ago, Billie Eilish revealed on social networks that she had a crush on Sarah Michelle Gellar after watching

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

when she was a teenager.

A statement that made the actress very happy, especially since it was the perfect opportunity to impress her daughter Charlotte.

“Oh, that was amazing.

I saw it and I thought, “Finally she's going to think I'm cool!”.

Honestly, it was the only way… Because nothing I do is cool for my teenager.

Nothing at all,” she lamented during a stint on

The Talk

set .

A few cool days

"I think some of her friends showed her on the bus, because she doesn't have social media.

So they had to show him.

And she just came home beaming.

And it kept me scoring for, like, almost a week,” Sarah Michelle Gellar joked.

The star should continue to be well seen by her teenage daughter in the coming days.

Indeed, Sarah Michelle Gellar is the poster of

If you avenge me

, a teen movie Netflix in which she gives the answer to the star of


, Camila Mendes.


Sarah Michelle Gellar explains why she took a break from her career after the death of Robin Williams


'To Every Generation': Kendare Blake Casts Buffy's Niece the Vampire Slayer

  • People

  • Sarah Michelle Gellar

  • Billie Eilish

  • Singer

  • Actress

  • Adolescence