Teller Report

Leaving is a theater show that explores the world of young Emirati women

9/22/2022, 10:15:42 PM

The Arts Center at New York University Abu Dhabi revealed the hosting of the contemporary theatrical and poetic work “Departure”, written by Emirati writer Reem Al Menhali, and directed by the award-winning American Joanna Settle, which deals with themes of identity, features of femininity and the future. The center hosts

A series of poems about women's perseverance and the development of their experience

Leaving is a theater show that explores the world of young Emirati women

“The Departure” is a poetic theatrical work that reflects the lives of women through images full of memories.

From the source

The Arts Center at New York University Abu Dhabi revealed the hosting of the contemporary theatrical and poetic work “Departure”, written by Emirati writer Reem Al Menhali, and directed by the award-winning American Joanna Settle, which deals with themes of identity, features of femininity and the future.

The Arts Center will host four performances between September 29 and October 1 at 7:30 pm, and on the second Sunday of October at 3 pm, each followed by a panel discussion with artists.

The bold and innovative work presents a new conception of theatrical production from 2020, by combining poems in Arabic and English with large images in the background, with the aim of highlighting the theme of the eighth season of the Arts Center, entitled Stories, and sharing unique Emirati tales, which are characterized by the character of privacy in front of the audience.

Commenting on this topic, NYU Abu Dhabi graduate student Reem Al Menhali said: “The play Departure is a dynamic performance, where I imagined the script when writing scenes as pages containing the entire world, transforming into images that embody reality. Emirati women in all stages of their lives, and in different cultural environments.

For her part, Assistant Dean and Professor at the School of Dramatic Arts in the Department of Arts and Humanities, Joanna Settle, said: “I am pleased to participate again in this project, which is one of the last theater performances presented at the Arts Center before the cessation of live performances worldwide due to the (Covid) crisis. -19), which is my first show after lifting the restrictions on organizing direct events.

The innovative presentation raises new ideas and questions, and is the fruit of the dedication and passion that characterizes the work team.”

The show is a joint production by the Arts Center at New York University Abu Dhabi and the Cultural Complex of the Department of Culture and Tourism in Abu Dhabi, and with official support from the American Mission to the UAE. From childhood through youth to old age.

Since the launch of the world premiere in 2020, the creative team and the producing company have been keen to re-discover the work in light of the lifestyle that prevailed in the past years.

The performances will be followed by discussion sessions moderated by poet and director Nujoom Al-Ghanim, curator and director of Alserkal Art Foundation, Nada Reda, lecturer at New York University Abu Dhabi, Sabine Gilani, and NYUAD Vice President Mariette Westerman.

“We had the opportunity to participate in Departure, a unique and contemporary Emirati theatrical work, using a new methodology that Joanna Settle called Instant Productions,” said Bill Bragin, Executive Artistic Director of the Arts Center at NYUAD.

The composition of the work, which combines Arabic and English in a poetic style, reflects the lives of women through images full of memories, which provided the opportunity to explore the features of femininity and leave its impact on audiences of all cultures.

And we realized.

 A bold work that presents a new conception of theatrical productions from 2020, on themes of identity, features of femininity and the future.

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