Teller Report

In Strasbourg, the energy crisis electrocutes the municipal minimum income

9/22/2022, 10:44:37 AM

While the city of Strasbourg was working very seriously on experimenting with the guaranteed minimum municipal income for the poorest, the energy bill that will weigh on the community is undermining its implementation.

  • The EELV town hall of Strasbourg was working on experimenting with the "guaranteed minimum municipal income", but the energy crisis which is weighing heavily on the city's finances forced it to put this project on hold.

  • This supplementary allowance is intended for poor people who live below the poverty line.

  • Despite the suspension of this project, the reflection work carried out has nevertheless made it possible to push for the strengthening of other aid systems, such as municipal social aid.

It is a solidarity initiative towards the poorest which, little by little, is making its way into certain French towns: the guaranteed municipal minimum income.

The principle, an additional allowance from the municipality intended for people who live below the poverty line, estimated in France at around 1,100 euros.

A supplement that does not replace other social minima such as the RSA: in other words, we can therefore also continue to benefit from it.

A great idea but which comes up against the energy crisis which is crippling public finances, particularly in Strasbourg where the municipal team is nevertheless working on its development and implementation, but which is forced to wait a bit.

"We have chosen to pause this project in which we believe, and which can be a real lever to facilitate access to rights and to fight against the non-use of rights, confides Floriane Varieras, deputy mayor EELV in charge of the inclusive city, solidarity and support for vulnerable people.

But today with the price of gas and electricity we are not able to finance it.


Money and support

In France, this measure is currently not too widespread, even rather rare.

Commune which is a figurehead, Grande-Synthe in Hauts-de-France.

The city embarked on the adventure in 2019. Lately, it is the town of Arcueil in Val-de-Marne which is experimenting with it, but on a small scale.

In Strasbourg, it is a question of granting it to “a representative sample of the Strasbourg population, such as young people without resources, single-parent families … with a work track which expected 250 to 300 people”, details the elected.

Payments to be made but “also a whole accompaniment, because these are people who would have been followed more by social workers, underlines Floriane Varieras.

We are also thinking of a partnership with the university so that there is a scientific study on this subject,

and that this can also lead to somewhat scientific conclusions and gives us support to evaluate it.


A project started but still in reflection, “because legally the choice of a sample of the population could create unequal treatment”, underlines the elected official.

If “now, the municipal minimum income is no longer possible” because of the energy bill, the reflections have made it possible, on the other hand, assures the city, to strengthen other aid mechanisms.

Like municipal social aid, an envelope for the most precarious public of 1.3 million euros.

“We did some small experiments last year, such as increasing the payment ceiling.

It was more project support than an "emergency boost" at the end of the month.

We want to push these experiments even if it is not the same philosophy as the guaranteed minimum income”, recognizes Floriane Varieras.

" And of course,

we continue all this work to fight against non-recourse and try to provide a safety net for the most precarious.



Arcueil: What is the “guaranteed municipal minimum income” tested by the city?


Energy crisis: The public transport puzzle to cushion the explosion of their energy bill

  • Company

  • Silver

  • Poverty

  • Assistance

  • Solidarity

  • Active Solidarity Income (RSA)

  • Strasbourg

  • Great East