Teller Report

Hitomi Soga appeals for all abductees to return to Japan 20 years before returning to Japan Fukui

9/22/2022, 12:15:25 PM

[NHK] Hitomi Soga, one of the victims who returned to Japan before the 20th anniversary of the return of five of the victims who were abducted by North Korea next month, is Obama, Fukui Prefecture...

Before next month marks the 20th anniversary of the return of five victims abducted by North Korea, Hitomi Soga, one of the victims who returned to Japan, gave a lecture in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture. I appealed for the early return of all the victims.

Hitomi Soga was abducted by North Korea along with her mother Miyoshi in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture in 1978, and returned to Japan after the Japan-North Korea summit meeting 20 years ago, but Miyoshi's whereabouts are still unknown. Hmm.

On the 22nd, Soga gave a lecture in Obama City, Fukui Prefecture, and revealed that the watch given to him by Miyoshi was his emotional support during the 24 years he spent in North Korea. My battery ran out, and every time it happened, I worried that something had happened to my mother."

After that, about Miyoshi, "I want to let you do as much as you want when you come back, but considering my mother's age, I can't wait long. I wonder if I can get through this winter, and I'm in an environment where I can eat properly. It's a day when my chest tightens, wondering if I'm still there," he said about his current state of mind.

He added, "It's been 20 years since I returned to Japan, but not a single person has been able to return to Japan except for the five abductees and their families. But I want many people to know about the abduction issue," he said, appealing for all the victims to return to Japan as soon as possible.