Teller Report

Shaanxi boy tells about his international humanitarian work experience in video

9/21/2022, 1:08:35 PM

Shaanxi boy tells about his experience of international humanitarian work in Afghanistan   As the only Chinese Urdu translator at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), how can the skills of "minor languages" be used in international humanitarian affairs? From Afghanistan to Lebanon, after six years of first-line humanitarian work, how do you understand this experience?   Liu Yi from the ICRC delegation in Syria is from Shaanxi, China. During his six years at the ICRC,

  As the only Chinese Urdu translator at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), how can the skills of "minor languages" be used in international humanitarian affairs?

From Afghanistan to Lebanon, after six years of first-line humanitarian work, how do you understand this experience?

  Liu Yi from the ICRC delegation in Syria is from Shaanxi, China. During his six years at the ICRC, Liu Yi has experienced changes in his job position and geographical environment, working successively in Afghanistan and Lebanon.

After finishing his work in Syria, he is about to work in the ICRC's Iraqi representative office.

  In Liu Yi's view, China's international image coincides with everyone's good impression of the ICRC.

(Xiao Xin and Su Jingxin's video source is from the International Committee of the Red Cross)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]