Teller Report

Delphine Jubillar's phone would never have moved from the house

9/21/2022, 10:20:25 AM

New expertise of the telephone network would support the thesis of the prosecution, but their reliability is questioned by the lawyers of Cédric Jubillar, in pre-trial detention for fifteen months

  • Delphine Jubillar disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020 from her home in Cagnac-les-Mines, in the Tarn.

    For more than a year her husband, Cédric, has been in pre-trial detention, suspected of "spouse murder".

  • The telephone of the disappeared has never been found but is the subject of many expertises, including a news which would show that he never moved from the house.

  • These new analyzes "contribute nothing" according to the defense of Cédric Jubillar who raises the doubts and approximations of this new report.

He was never found.

However, Delphine Jubillar's phone has provided important information since the start of the investigation which could shed light on the circumstances of the disappearance of this mother, on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in Cagnac-les-Mines in the Tarn. .

Her husband, Cédric, in pre-trial detention for more than a year for "spouse murder", has always claimed that she left in the middle of the night taking her device, a Huawei P30 Pro.

The first expertise of the gendarmes had shown that he had limited within a radius of two kilometers around the marital home, located rue Yves-Montand.

But the two investigating judges decided to push further by requesting new studies entrusted to computer experts and relating to network activities, in this case the connection between the cell of the nearest relay antenna and the 'device.

And according to the results of this “net monitoring”, revealed by RTL, these would show that the telephone never left the subdivision, or even the more restricted circle of the house until it was switched off at 7:48 am.

However, the report remains cautious on these analyses, indicating that the architecture of the networks is different today from that of the end of 2020.

This information, however, supports the prosecution's thesis, which suspects the 35-year-old plasterer of having killed his wife during a violent argument, the couple being in the process of separating.

The young woman, who was having an affair with a man from Montauban, used her phone for the last time at 10:58 p.m., sending a message to her lover.

These analyzes "contribute nothing" according to the defense

For the defense of Cédric Jubillar, however, these analyzes "do nothing", reacts Jean-Baptiste Alary, one of the three lawyers of the plasterer.

“Net monitoring, we have never seen that in an investigation file.

If we had the technical means to locate a telephone within a few meters, why would this not be used in all criminal cases.

If we know where the phone is, why didn't we go get it?

There were countless searches, very thorough investigations by the IRCGN*, they would have found him by then.

There, it was the gendarmes who produced this technical report, it was done by the gendarmerie, for the gendarmerie, with the gendarmerie", the lawyer gets angry, recalling that from the first day, his client's movements have been tracked.

"And why then,

have they unsealed the house?

“, he continues.

He prefers to rely on other expertise which showed that the nurse's mobile had been reactivated several times during the night, voluntarily by human action.

In particular at 6:52 a.m., nearly three hours after Cédric Jubillar called the gendarmes to report the disappearance of his wife.

At that time, the soldiers were present at the Jubillar's home.

What for the husband's lawyers has always shown "that he could not use the phone", recalling also that his client did not have the lock code recently changed by Delphine Jubillar.

New interrogation of the husband this Friday

If the PV of the gendarmerie attest that they were present at 6:52 rue Yves-Montand, it is also established that they were not alongside Cédric Jubillar permanently, having checks to do on the car and around of the House.

Did the main suspect have the smartphone on him when the police arrived on the scene?

This is one of the central questions in this dossier.

And certainly the one that the two investigating judges will not fail to ask this Friday, during an interrogation of the long-planned plasterer.

But that these new expertise, made on July 8 and unveiled at the beginning of the week, shed new light.

They could also abound in the direction of the judge of freedom and detention who received during the last week a new request for release filed by the three lawyers of Cédric Jubillar.

“With this new expertise, if we wanted to put pressure on the judge, we wouldn't do it any better.

I don't know if I'm paranoid or if it's an unfortunate coincidence, but it comes once again when we have just filed a request for release, ”argues Jean-Baptiste Alary.

As part of this request, for the first time an investigation by the prison integration and probation service was carried out in order to determine whether Cédric Jubillar could benefit from house arrest under electronic surveillance as an alternative to pre-trial detention.

Since June 16, 2021, Cédric Jubillar has been imprisoned in the Seysses remand center, in solitary confinement.

The numerous requests for release filed by his lawyers have all been challenged by the detention and freedoms judge and the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal.

* National Gendarmerie Criminal Research Institute


Delphine Jubillar case: Nine graves opened in vain to try to find the body of the nurse


Delphine Jubillar case: Once again, justice decides to keep the husband in prison

  • Company

  • Toulouse

  • Occitania

  • Jubillar case

  • Investigation

  • Telephone

  • Gendarmerie

  • Murder