Teller Report

Celebrity news: Woody Allen has no intention of 'retiring'

9/21/2022, 1:39:04 PM

The cult director is not retiring after all: After a false report about the end of his career, he stated that he had no intentions of making any more films.

US director Woody Allen has again commented on his future plans – previously he had repeatedly caused speculation about a possible career end with his statements.

"He currently has no intention of retiring and is very much looking forward to filming his new film in Paris, which will be his 50th," the US industry daily said in a statement Monday "Variety" and the celebrity portal "People" quoted.

The filmmaker had previously indicated several times that he wanted to step down.

The statement, now quoted, reads: "He said he is considering stopping making films as he does not enjoy making films that will be released directly or very quickly to streaming platforms as he is a big lover of the cinematic experience.”

In June, Woody Allen told actor Alec Baldwin, "I'll probably do at least one more movie.

(...) But most of the thrill is gone.”

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