Teller Report

bumpy road

9/21/2022, 10:32:25 PM

It is full of thorns and clashes with life, people and things, its pace is difficult, its nights are long, its times are slow, and its loneliness is painful...

bumpy road

Amal El Minshawi


September 22 2022

It is full of thorns and clashes with life, people and things, its pace is difficult, its nights are long, its times are slow, and its loneliness is painful... From our comfort a lot and we pay from our psychological balance in advance.. When it is halfway, we do not care if it is our free choice or whether it is the expenses of predestination, so completing the walk has become an obligation and an imposed one.

This is how the road to any goal, success or happiness in its proper form or legitimate framework, a bumpy, difficult and painful road, but it is the safest and best way to reach.

The roads are diffuse and seem easy and comfortable in many times of our lives, but they require that we leave at the door a lot of our values, our self-respect, and our concern for religion, morals and customs.

The smooth way in work is often at the expense of others and is not a pure right to our efforts, so it only lasts as long as the ability to continue climbing, flattery and hypocrisy.

And the easy path to happiness is built on deception, betrayal, neutralization of conscience, and the continuation of disobedience.

Most of the paved roads are trap and trap, and they reverse the laws of God, the Exalted, the Majestic, which He placed in the earth from eternity with a clear heavenly title: “And that man has nothing but what he strives for.”

What we live in today is the exaltation and veneration of the idea of ​​comfort and reliance on social networking sites and depicting diaries and private life as a source of high income, easy life and extravagance;

It frustrates many young people and discourages them from continuing their education and hard work. Moral decay and the demolition of constants are an easy way to temporary pleasure, but the ends are full of regret.

We need to take each other's hand in the face of a sweeping global current, which is rooting for chaos, trying hard to change the laws of normal life and replace them with every scum that has no value but its luster.

The bumpy road unleashes our energies, melts our metal, brings out the best in us and protects us from easy road distractions that take away from our credit and reputation.

The rough road ends with self-satisfaction and peace of mind that we have not wronged or hurt anyone, reassurance of the sincerity of effort and fatigue, and calm after long trouble.

The easy path to happiness is built on deception, betrayal, neutralization of conscience, and persistence of disobedience.


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