Teller Report

After the Queen's funeral: Charles' first trip abroad as king is to be to France

9/21/2022, 12:50:30 PM

The new king's first target is not, as usual, a Commonwealth country, according to a report. The Danish Queen Margrethe II, meanwhile, tested positive for Corona after attending the Queen's funeral.

In order to strengthen bilateral relations after Brexit, the first state visit is to welcome the new King Charles III.

according to a newspaper report lead to France.

The British Foreign Office is keen to use the monarchy's diplomatic powers to strengthen bridges to key European neighbors after leaving the EU, the Telegraph wrote on Wednesday.

The trip, which should take place as early as next month, may therefore also lead to Germany.

Charles III

invited to Germany by Steinmeier

Charles was invited to the funeral ceremonies for Queen Elizabeth II by both French President Emmanuel Macron and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Germany was one of the last countries where the Queen paid a state visit with her husband Prince Philip in 2015.

Since then, there have been no official foreign trips by the head of state as the Queen increasingly suffered from mobility problems.

According to media reports, the new king is planning to downsize the royal family.

The conservative tabloid "Daily Express" reported that in the future only heir to the throne Prince William and his wife Princess Kate as well as Princess Anne and Prince Edward with his wife, Countess Sophie, should play a role in addition to Charles and his queen Camilla.

Poll on the royal family

According to a survey commissioned by “Express”, this is very popular with the population: only around a third of those surveyed would like Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan to return to the inner circle of the Royals.

57 percent expressly do not want that.

The survey shows great goodwill among the British for their new royal couple.

63 percent of those surveyed are convinced that Charles got off to a good start as a monarch.

Even 69 percent were confident that he would be a good king.

58 percent trust Camilla to shine in the role of king's wife.

Two-thirds (66 percent) of Britons support the monarchy as a form of government.

After all, almost a quarter (22 percent) want to abolish them.

However, the plans for a slimmer royal family could affect other servants.

The PA news agency on Wednesday quoted a letter from the Royal Treasurer Michael Stevens as saying that "a very small minority of employees (less than 20) who have personally served Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II" could lose their jobs.

The Guardian newspaper had previously reported that up to 100 employees at his previous residence, Clarence House, could be laid off due to Charles' rise to the throne.

Private mourning in Scotland

Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8th and was buried on Monday after a state funeral at her Windsor Castle residence.

Charles reportedly flew to his country home in Scotland on Tuesday to mourn his mother privately.

A new British monarch usually first visits a Commonwealth country where he is the head of state.

However, after Charles took office, it was already said that he would travel to Europe first.

Accordingly, a visit to Australia and New Zealand is planned for spring 2023.

The Foreign Office in London has the last word on royal travel.

The Telegraph reported that Charles got on very well with French President Macron.

In addition, the king could then turn his attention to the tree-planting project in Africa known as the Green Wall, which aims to combat climate change and is supported by both Charles and Macron.

Queen Margrethe II infected with coronavirus

Danish Queen Margrethe II (82) tested positive for the corona virus after attending the funeral service for British Queen Elizabeth II.

The Danish royal family announced on Wednesday that she is now staying at Fredensborg Palace, a good 30 kilometers north of Copenhagen.

Their activities this week have been canceled accordingly.

An event planned for Friday evening with government, parliament and European Parliament representatives at Christiansborg Palace - seat of the Danish Parliament - will now be held with Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary as hosts.

Since the death of the British Queen, Margrethe has been considered the longest reigning monarch on earth.

She had sat in the first row of the foreign royals at a funeral service for the Queen in Westminster Abbey in London alongside her son Frederik and the royal couple from Sweden.

Sitting directly across from her on the other side of the coffin was the new British King Charles III.

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