Teller Report

Tianjin: New citizens who pay social security or personal tax for 6 months can buy 1 house

9/16/2022, 11:24:41 AM

For households with no personal housing loan records and no housing in this city, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to purchase their first housing, the minimum down payment ratio is 30%. For resident families who have paid off their house purchase loans and have no houses in this city, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy houses, the first-home loan policy will be implemented.

  China News Service, September 16. According to the news on the website of the Tianjin Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee on the 16th, seven departments including the Tianjin Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Real Estate Regulatory Policies to Promote the Healthy Development of the Real Estate Industry".

  The interpretation of the article shows that the "Notice" proposes 12 specific measures from four aspects: guaranteeing rigid housing demand, supporting improved housing demand, improving housing credit policies, and promoting the healthy development of the real estate industry.

  (1) About guaranteeing rigid housing needs

  The first is to expand the supply of affordable rental housing, implement the city’s supporting policies on land, finance, finance, taxation, and public services for affordable rental housing, support new construction, reconstruction, and revitalization of rental housing, speed up the construction of affordable rental housing, and solve the problems that meet the requirements. The housing difficulties of new citizens, young people and other groups promote the adaptation of supply and demand.

Develop the long-term rental market, guide housing rental companies to expand the supply of housing sources in light of market demand, stabilize housing rental levels, and meet diversified housing needs.

  The second is to support the reasonable housing needs of new citizens. New citizens and university graduates who are not registered in this city and are employed in this city can purchase a house in this city with proof of paying social insurance or personal income tax for 6 consecutive months or more. Binhai New Area still implements the original policy on the number of houses purchased.

  (2) About supporting the demand for improved housing

  First, for resident families with members aged 60 and above and multi-child resident families with two or more children, they can purchase an additional house on the basis of the city's original housing purchase restriction policy with the household registration booklet.

  The second is to expand the supply of affordable rental housing. Resident families can use the city's affordable rental housing development platform to raise the original 1 set of housing for affordable rental housing, and if the lease term is not less than 5 years, they can purchase the original housing in this city. On the basis of the policy, one more house will be purchased.

  The third is that if a resident family sells one of the houses in the city’s housing-purchase-restricted area after the number of houses has reached the purchase limit, another house can be purchased, but the total number of family houses shall not exceed two.

  Fourth, for residents whose family houses are expropriated by the people's governments at or above the district level due to the construction of major urban infrastructure projects, they can purchase houses by virtue of the expropriation agreement. If the price of the newly purchased house does not exceed the housing compensation, the deed tax will be exempted; the price of the newly purchased house exceeds For housing compensation, deed tax shall be levied on the excess.

  (3) About the housing credit policy

  The first is to optimize the housing loan down payment ratio and the first set certification standard, and appropriately reduce the down payment ratio for the second housing.

For households with no personal housing loan records and no housing in this city, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to purchase their first housing, the minimum down payment ratio is 30%.

For resident families who have paid off their house purchase loans and have no houses in this city, if they apply for commercial personal housing loans to buy houses, the first-home loan policy will be implemented.

At the same time, the financial support for the second set of improved housing loans will be increased. If a household applies for a commercial personal housing loan to buy a second set of housing, the minimum down payment ratio is 40%.

  The second is to implement the national preferential policy on housing loan interest rates. For households who take out loans to buy ordinary houses, the lower limit of the loan interest rate for commercial personal housing for the first set of housing shall not be lower than the market quoted interest rate of the loan of the corresponding period minus 20 basis points, and the commercial personal housing for the second set of housing. The lower limit of the loan interest rate shall not be lower than the quoted market interest rate of the corresponding term loan plus 60 basis points.

  (4) About promoting the healthy development of the real estate industry

  The first is to optimize the proportion of the construction area of ​​newly-added commercial service facilities for land supply, and implement the relevant policies and regulations of the state and the city on the proportion of the area of ​​newly built community commercial and comprehensive service facilities to the total construction area of ​​the community.

  The second is to implement the phased land transfer support policy to support the payment of the transfer fee in installments for the newly transferred operating real estate land according to the contract.

  The third is to increase financial support for real estate. Commercial banks should actively meet residents' reasonable housing credit needs, support the revitalization of existing non-residential projects in accordance with the law, maintain stable and orderly distribution of real estate development loans, and support real estate projects, participating companies, and material supply. We will meet the reasonable financing needs of commercial enterprises, and maintain continuous and stable financing of upstream and downstream enterprises in the real estate industry.

  The fourth is to reduce the taxable gross profit rate of unfinished development products sold by real estate development and operation enterprises. If the development projects belong to affordable housing, price-limited houses and dilapidated houses, the taxable gross profit rate shall be determined at 3%; for other development projects, the taxable gross profit rate shall be determined at 3%. The interest rate is implemented at 15%.

  The people's governments of all districts and relevant departments should strengthen the review and control of the implementation of real estate control policies, and if there are acts of falsification, defrauding the qualifications for buying houses, etc., once verified, they will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations.

(Zhongxin Finance)

