Teller Report

The PP asks Calviño for explanations for relocating Ribera's husband to the CNMV: "It is a favor to relatives"

9/16/2022, 9:18:55 AM

The Popular Party asks the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, for an explanation for having appointed the husband of the third vice president, Teresa Ribera, new counselor in the...

The Popular Party asks the first vice president,

Nadia Calviño

, for an explanation for having appointed the husband of the third vice president,

Teresa Ribera

, as a new advisor to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

The parliamentary spokesman and deputy Jaime de Olano, has registered a question for the next control session in which he summons Calviño to explain if "he is respecting the independence and suitability of the candidates in the appointment of the advisers for the regulatory bodies".

Sources from the popular parliamentary group tell this newspaper that the objective is for the vice president to explain the case of

Mariano Bacigalupo

, who has jumped this week from the position of counselor in the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) where he was heading his last months. mandate, to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) for a period of at least four years.

"We consider it essential that the vice president explain the suitability and independence of the people who appoint directors in organizations that have to ensure the proper functioning of the markets."

"The case of Bacigalupo

is a person closely linked to a member of the Government

who is going to go from a regulatory body (CNMC), in which he only had one year left in office, to another (CNMV), in which he may be until 2026. , which seems to be a clear case of nepotism, granting

favored treatment to family and friends while dismissing people who carry out their duties independently,

such as the director of the National Intelligence Center or the president of the National Institute of Statistics".

In its statement last Tuesday, the Ministry of Economic Affairs did not provide data on Bacigalupo's experience in the stock markets, but did provide extensive experience in energy regulation.

The new director has already taken office, because in the case of the CNMV there is no prior parliamentary evaluation and the appointments are the responsibility of the first vice president.

The immediacy of the change of the CNMV allows him to disembark in full file of this regulator to the Government for his actions in the Indra case, in which he supported a coup to expel the independent directors.

The president of the CNMV,

Rodrigo Buenaventura

, asked Calviño for a legal reform last Wednesday so that shareholders cannot be surprised in decisions against directors as happened in Indra.

The placement of related parties in regulatory bodies has been constant in all governments, but the current one promised to regenerate this aspect of public powers.

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  • PP

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  • Yolanda Diaz

  • Carmen Bald