Teller Report

Mohamed Salah causes widespread mockery at the owner of Chelsea FC

9/16/2022, 10:42:23 AM

Chelsea club owner, American billionaire Ted Boyle, has been widely ridiculed by many over the past two days, including former world football stars, such as French Terry Henry and others, and the reason for this is the Egyptian star and Liverpool's top scorer, Mohamed Salah. And Boley made a huge mistake when he was fighting

Mohamed Salah causes widespread mockery at the owner of Chelsea FC

Chelsea club owner, American billionaire Ted Boyle, has been widely ridiculed by many over the past two days, including former world football stars, such as French Terry Henry and others, and the reason for this is the Egyptian star and Liverpool's top scorer, Mohamed Salah.

And Boley made a fatal mistake when he was speaking during the "Salt" conference in New York, where he was presenting his strategy for the Chelsea club and his future plans.

In an indication of the strength of the Chelsea FC academy, the American billionaire said that there is no fear for it because it has produced great names for world football, including "Mohamed Salah, Kevin De Bruyne, Tammy Abraham, Reyes James, and others."

Boili did not notice that Mohamed Salah is a graduate of the Egyptian Contractors Club, before professionalism in Basel, Switzerland, and then with Chelsea at the age of 22, where he did not find interest in him, to move to the Italian League, and played in Fiorentina and Rome, before moving to Liverpool, where he achieved global success.

The same is true for Kevin De Bruyne, as he is a graduate of the Belgian club Genk School, from which he moved to Chelsea, and did not find interest in him, to move to Wolfsburg, Germany, and after that he returned to England from the Man City gate.

Boeli considered that Chelsea is the biggest name in the world of football in the academic sector, which is strange, given that Chelsea is one of the clubs that used to buy young players, but it does not have global fame in this context like other clubs.

The Egyptian Contractors Club responded sarcastically to Boley's talk about Salah, warning him that he is the son of the Egyptian club, while Terry Henry, according to the "Liverpool Echo" newspaper, saw that Boley did not know what to say or what he wanted.

Boley had said that he would give lessons in football management to the English, and suggested matches between the "North and South Stars" in England, similar to American basketball, and Henry said: Lessons!

What he wants to offer, his comment on Salah and De Bruyne, forces him to learn lessons himself, before he teaches others.

Boley was subjected to a very wide ridicule from followers on "Twitter", and they were surprised how the owner of a big club like Chelsea made a huge mistake, when he talked about De Bruyne and Salah, and made other mistakes that he did not notice during the press conference.

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