Teller Report

Lebanon: Mayyas choreographer calls for "revolution"

9/16/2022, 8:48:37 PM

The choreographer of the Mayyas dance troupe, winner of the America's Got Talent tele-hook final, denounced the Lebanese political class and called for "revolution" as soon as he arrived on Friday...

Dozens of the dancers' relatives presented the troupe with flowers at Beirut airport as thousands of Lebanese watched on television as the troupe's arrival filled them with pride at a time when their country is ravaged by an unprecedented economic and political crisis.

"We don't need you (the politicians), the Mayyas made Lebanon proud without your help," choreographer Nadim Cherfan told AFP at the airport, crystallizing the frustration of many Lebanese over the situation. politics in their country.

The victory of the Mayyas brought a rare moment of respite and unity in Lebanon hit for almost three years by an unprecedented crisis.

Signs of growing popular discontent, several savers, acclaimed by their fellow citizens, recently robbed banks in Lebanon with real or fake weapons in order to recover their deposits frozen by the banks.

Five banks were stormed on Friday.

“People should rob all the banks, shake up the country,” Mr. Cherfan said.

The Mayyas troupe also landed $1 million in the America's Got Talent finals and the chance to perform in one of a show in Las Vegas.

Already winner of Arabs Got Talent in 2019, the troupe won this victory with an extravagant show, mixing belly dancing, feather fans and light effects.

Many fans hailed the performance of this all-female troupe, calling the show mesmerizing and mesmerizing.

Lebanon has been plunged into a serious economic crisis since 2019. The Lebanese pound has lost more than 90% of its value and 80% of the population has plunged into poverty.

Beirut continues to face the scars of the deadly explosion of hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate in 2020, which killed more than 200 people, injured 6,500 and devastated entire neighborhoods of the Lebanese capital.

"Your job is to feed the people who are hungry and to bring electricity," added Mr. Cherfan, calling on the Lebanese political class.

"As artists, we are leading an artistic revolution," he added, referring to the 2019 anti-government protests that many Lebanese called a "revolution" at the time.

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