Teller Report

They arrest a general involved in the disappearance of the 43 students of Iguala

9/15/2022, 7:51:10 PM

A Mexican Army general was arrested for his alleged responsibility in the disappearance of 43 students in 2014, when he commanded a battalion in the municipality of...

  • Iguala "The 43 students were divided before being killed in the Barranca de la Carnicería"

A general of the Mexican Army was arrested for his alleged responsibility in the disappearance of 43 students in 2014, when he commanded a battalion in the municipality of

Iguala (state of Guerrero, south)

, where the events occurred, the government reported Thursday.

"There are three detainees, among them the commander of the 27th infantry battalion when the events occurred in Iguala in September 2014," said the Undersecretary of Security,

Ricardo Mejía

, during the daily press conference of President

Andrés Manuel López Obrador


Mejía indicated that the others arrested are also soldiers, but did not specify when the arrests took place or the identity of the accused.

However, local media and the defense of the relatives identified one of the detainees as General

José Rodríguez Pérez


This is one of the soldiers who with "actions, omissions or participation" allowed the disappearance of the 43 normalistas and the murder of six other people, according to the report of a commission formed by the government of López Obrador to clarify the case.

The capture occurs after the August 19 justice ordered the arrest of 20 military commanders and 44 police officers allegedly involved in the so-called

Ayotzinapa case


That same day, former attorney general

Jesús Murillo Karam

was arrested , responsible for the questionable investigation that the government of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) carried out on the crime and that was rejected by the families of the students.

Mejía also reported that the government will contest a sentence that ordered the acquittal of the former mayor of Iguala,

José Luis Abarca

, one of those accused of kidnapping the students, and 19 others implicated.

"José Luis Abarca and these 19 co-participants will not get out of prison, we underline this," the official assured.

He added that he will file a complaint with the Federal Judiciary Council against the judge who handed down the sentence, identified by the government commission as

Samuel Ventura Ramos

, who has already accumulated 98 rulings exonerating people accused of the events in Iguala.

The relatives of the students said, for their part, that they had not been notified of the arrest of General Rodríguez or of the acquittal for Abarca, according to a statement released by human rights organizations that advise them.

The disappearance occurred between the night of September 26 and the early morning of September 27, 2014, when the students tried to seize buses in Iguala to travel to

Mexico City

and participate in demonstrations.

The youths were detained by police officers bought by the

Guerreros Unidos cartel

, who allegedly murdered them after mistaking them for members of a rival gang.

So far only the remains of three victims have been identified.

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  • Ministry of Defence

  • Enrique Pena Nieto

  • Mexico

  • Secondary Education

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