Teller Report

Tanks for Ukraine: The dingo is not a leopard

9/15/2022, 6:45:03 PM

The federal government supplies Kyiv armored personnel carriers. However, this does not significantly increase the Ukrainians' staying power in the fight against the Russians. And the pressure she is under, she only temporarily relieves.

The pressure of the past few days has had an impact on the federal government: Berlin is handing over two more multiple rocket launchers and fifty armored personnel carriers to the Ukraine.

That's better than nothing, but falls well short of what Kyiv wants: the delivery of German battle and infantry fighting vehicles.

This is also being increasingly demanded from the ranks of the coalition.

Recently, even Foreign Minister Baerbock said in an interview for the FAZ that she considers this a decision that should not be delayed for long.

The Russians are demoralized - we need to use that

Baerbock justified her insistence that the liberation of occupied territories could save the lives of people who were being arbitrarily shot, raped or abducted by the Russian invaders.

However, the Ukrainian offensive can only continue if supplies of arms and ammunition are secured.

The advance of the liberators must not come to a halt, otherwise the Russian troops would have the opportunity to regroup and counterattack.

The Kremlin's armed forces are decimated and demoralized, and we need to take advantage of that.

Congratulating Ukrainians on their achievements is not enough.

It would be better if the West gave Ukrainian soldiers tanks as medals for bravery.

Biden does not want to go into the elections with this

But the Americans, who otherwise support Kyiv with lots of money and other weapons, are obviously not ready for this: American Abrams tanks (albeit manned by Ukrainians) in combat with Russian tanks - no president wants to go into the midterm elections with such pictures.

But if Washington doesn't deliver any tanks, then Berlin won't deliver any either, Scholz ruled that out.

So Kyiv will have to wait a little longer for the leopard.

The dingo increases the endurance of the Ukrainians only slightly.

The federal government will also be able to temporarily reduce the pressure on itself with this delivery.

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