Teller Report

Iranian President to Al Jazeera: Washington must make a final decision on reaching a nuclear agreement

9/15/2022, 10:03:12 PM

In an interview with Al Jazeera English, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi spoke about his country's position on the negotiations aimed at reviving the nuclear agreement, and other regional issues, including Iraq, Yemen and the relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said it is now up to the United States to make the final decision on reaching a nuclear deal.

Raisi added - in an interview with Al Jazeera English - that the lifting of sanctions on Tehran must be accompanied by the achievement of guarantees, explaining that the problem of guarantees must be resolved in order to move forward in the negotiations.

He added that there is no point in direct negotiations with the United States on the nuclear agreement, and that the interest of the Iranian citizen does not lie in direct negotiations.

The Iranian president questioned what prompts Washington to impose new sanctions on Iranians during the nuclear negotiations if it wants to reach an agreement.

He pointed out that the US administration needs to take confidence-building measures with the Iranian side.

He said that before asking Iran to stop its nuclear activities, the West should ask Israel, which has weapons of mass destruction.

The Iranian president's comments came after the European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, said that negotiations to revive the Iranian nuclear deal had reached a dead end.

Regional issues

In the same interview, the Iranian president said that the Iranians would be happy to see a strong government in Iraq, and that the Iraqis should not allow any US presence anymore.

Raisi added that European countries have contacted Tehran about the crisis in Iraq and have been told that the matter is up to the Iraqis themselves.

On the Yemeni issue, the Iranian president said that what he called the siege on Yemen must be lifted in order to reach a permanent ceasefire and to strengthen negotiations between the Yemenis.

Regarding the talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Raisi indicated that five rounds of dialogue have been held, and that Tehran will continue to do so.

He said that if external forces did not intervene, the region's problems could be resolved.