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Cristina Kirchner reappears surrounded by religious and says that it was the Peronist militants, and not the police, who saved her

9/15/2022, 11:03:14 PM

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner reappeared this Thursday after two weeks without speaking and analyzed the attack in which she miraculously saved her life. It wasn't the police that...

  • Investigation New detainee and striking revelations in the investigation of the attack on Cristina Kirchner

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

reappeared this Thursday after two weeks without speaking and analyzed the attack in which she miraculously saved her life.

It was not the police that took care of catching her aggressor, she alleged, but the Peronist militants.

"The other day when what happened happened, it

was the militants who apprehended the one who tried to kill me

. It was not the police. It was the militants. After the first shot failed, he tried to fire the weapon again and they prevented him," said the vice president. Argentina in a speech in the


, to which he invited priests who work in poor neighborhoods in the country.

"I wanted my first public activity, so to speak, to be with you. I really feel that

I am alive for God and for the Virgin

," the two-time president added with a broken voice.

On the night of Thursday, September 1, a man fired a pistol twice in front of Fernández de Kirchner's head.

The bullets, despite having five in the gun, did not come out.

Justice has already arrested four people and continues to investigate the incident, which the government attributes to a "climate of hate."

"The most serious thing is not what could have happened to me, the most serious thing was having broken a social agreement that had existed since 1983," said Fernández de Kirchner, referring to the year that marked the return of democracy to



"I feel that the recovery of democracy was not only that we can vote again and elect the authorities. I understand that recovering democracy was recovering life and the rationality that we can discuss politics."

The vice president revealed that

Pope Francis

called her the day after the attack.

"He called me very early the next day that Thursday, early Friday we were talking on the phone and he told me something like: 'Acts of hate and violence are always preceded by words and verbs of hate and violence. First is the verbal right? The aggression and then that climate grows and finally occurs,'" he assured.

The investigation of the attack on Fernández de Kirchner continued to add detainees, in addition to more than striking revelations.

Brenda Uliarte

, the girlfriend of the man who fired the pistol twice in front of the Argentine vice president, gains weight as the leader of the so-called "band of copitos".

"Today I become San Martín, I am going to have Cristina killed," Uliarte wrote to a friend, Agustina Diaz, on September 1.

The reference to José de San Martín, hero of Argentine independence, gives an idea of ​​the dimension of what Uliarte,

Fernando Sabag Montiel

's partner, was up to .

Diaz became the third detainee this week, and this Wednesday

Gabriel Carrizo

, head of the group that manufactured and sold cotton candy, a product also known as "snowflake," joined the detainee.

Díaz's mobile phone made it possible to advance the impression that the Justice has that Uliarte is the main instigator of the assassination attempt on the two-time Argentine president.

The text messages she sends reflect her leading role.

"I ordered Vice Cristina to be killed. She didn't come out because she got (the bullet) inside. I swear I had a fight there. The liberals already have me rotten going to become revolutionaries with torches in

Plaza de Mayo

enough to talk You have to act. I sent a guy to kill Cristi."

Fernández de Kirchner is being prosecuted for corruption and fraud against the State during her period (2007-2015) as a tenant of the

Casa Rosada


Days before the attempted attack, the prosecution requested 12 years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding public office for the former Argentine president.

Uliarte, 23 years old, and who in the first days after the attack introduced himself as "Ámbar", also expands on the motivations that Sabag Montiel, 35, has for assuming such an assignment.

"He did it because he is also very hot with what is happening. I swear I am going to lower that one. He has me re rotten that he is stealing and I went unpunished," wrote Uliarte, who highlights that Sabag Montiel, in theory his partner, he did not charge him for taking charge of the attempt to assassinate Fernández de Kirchner.

Carrizo's arrest occurred this Wednesday when the man went to the federal courts to look for his mobile phone, which was in the hands of justice.

When he got there he was arrested, the expertise on the content of his phone complicated his situation in the court file.

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