Teller Report

Brothers of Italy and Lega vote no to the Hungary report, they are divided on the transparency of parties

9/15/2022, 2:27:35 PM

Both reports were approved by the Strasbourg courtroom, as well as a new € 5 billion loan to Ukraine The European Parliament today approved a report in which Hungary is defined as a "systemic threat" to the founding values ​​of the EU and an "electoral autocracy" and calls for the intervention of the Commission and the Council to activate all the measures envisaged by the Article 7 of the European Treaties, namely the suspension clause from the Union. Lega and Fratelli d'Italia voted against the

The European Parliament today approved a report in which


is defined as a

"systemic threat" to the founding values ​​of the EU

and an "electoral autocracy" and calls for the intervention of the Commission and the Council to activate all the measures envisaged by the Article 7 of the European Treaties, namely the suspension clause from the Union.

Lega and Fratelli d'Italia

voted against the report, together with their respective parliamentary groups,

Identity and Democracy

(which includes, among others, the

Rassemblement national

di Marine Le Pen and

Alternative für Deutschland

) and

Conservatives and reformists

, in which benches also sit



the Swedish Democrats.

"The report is based on subjective opinions and politically distorted statements", explained the Fdi delegation, "this is yet another

political attack on the legitimate Hungarian government

, in a difficult phase for Europe in which at all levels we should pursue the path of unity and not that of polarization for ideological reasons ". 

Word of stigma from the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and the Greens 

arrived immediately .

In another vote today, a report was approved which, in view of the European elections of 2024, aims to increase the

transparency and financial viability of European political parties

and introduces

provisions on gender equality and protocols against harassment


In this case, the Lega delegation abstained as a whole, while the rest of

Identità e Democrazia

voted against.

The Brothers of Italy MEPs instead split: two abstained, just as many voted yes.

The rest of the group of

Conservatives and Reformists,

co-chaired by Fdi, instead voted against.

All the other Italian MEPs voted yes. 

Finally, a third green light voted today in Strasbourg is that

of a 5 billion

euro loan to


for macro-financial assistance in Kiev with the aim of covering the expenses caused by the Russian invasion.

The amount will make up the second tranche of a € 9 billion EU support package.