Teller Report

A marital message on WhatsApp leads a Latino woman to court

9/15/2022, 10:09:36 PM

The Dubai Criminal Court convicted a (Latin) woman who insulted her husband through the “WhatsApp” application, which included the phrase “You are the biggest idiot in the world,” and other offensive words that reflect her extreme anger at him, and her assertion that she will not live with him again. The court fined her 3000 dirhams

She called her husband an idiot and the court used clemency on her

A marital message on WhatsApp leads a Latino woman to court

The wife defended herself with the malicious accusation.


The Dubai Criminal Court convicted a (Latin) woman who insulted her husband through the “WhatsApp” application, which included the phrase “You are the biggest idiot in the world,” and other offensive words that reflect her extreme anger at him, and her assertion that she will not live with him again.

The court fined her 3000 dirhams, after using clemency with her.

In detail, the Public Prosecution in Dubai directed a woman from a South American country to commit the misdemeanor of insulting using information technology, according to the latest Federal Law No. 34 of 2021 regarding combating rumors and cybercrime.

The court stated in the merits of the ruling that the incident, according to its certainty, revolved around informing a man of the same nationality that he was at his home when he received on his phone number swearing messages in English from the phone number belonging to his wife, which included the phrases “You are the biggest fool in the world, you are Deceitful and criminal, and damn you.”

The electronic evidence report at the General Department of Criminal Evidence at Dubai Police established that the statements attributed to the accused had already been received from her mobile phone, but the wife insisted on denying it before the court.

The court clarified that the criminal intent of the offense of insult is achieved if the accused knows that the words he directed would despise the victim and degrade his dignity.

The court indicated that it was satisfied with the evidence in the case, and that the accused had insulted her husband, the victim, with outrageous words that belittle him in front of his relatives, degrade his status and disgrace his person.

She stated that the defendant's defense of herself with the malicious accusation in the presence of family disputes between them is one of the substantive defenses that do not originally require an explicit response from the court, as long as the court was reassured of the justified evidence it provided, pointing out that the court sees from the circumstances of the incident that the accused took a share of the The clemency is sufficient to fine her 3000 dirhams. 

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