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“They will become a direct party to the conflict”: the Russian Foreign Ministry warned the United States against supplying Ukraine with longer-range missiles

9/15/2022, 8:20:59 PM

If Washington supplies the Kyiv regime with longer-range missiles, the United States will cross the red line and become a direct party to the conflict, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. According to her, with such a development of events, Moscow reserves the right to defend its own territory "by all available means." She drew attention to the fact that the possible supply of long-range weapons to Kyiv is comparable to the installation of missiles by the United States in Europe, which is prohibited by the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

Possible deliveries of longer-range missiles by Washington to the Kyiv regime would mean crossing the red line and making the United States of America a direct party to the conflict.

This was stated during the briefing by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova.

“The United States and its allies, who supply weapons to the Kyiv regime, actually become accomplices in its war crimes.

If Washington decides to supply Kyiv with longer-range missiles, then it will cross the red line and become a direct party to the conflict.

We reserve the right to defend our territory with all means available to us,” Zakharova said.

According to her, the possible supply of missile weapons to the Kyiv regime is comparable to a situation in which European countries would deploy American-made ground-based missiles capable of hitting targets in the Russian Federation, previously banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

“In such a scenario, we will be forced to respond adequately, in my opinion, this is obvious.

Such an irresponsible step would be extremely destabilizing, contribute to an additional increase in tension and provoke an arms race.

We understand that Washington has embarked on a global destabilization of the situation in the world.

We see this in various regions of the world - in Asia, Eurasia, Europe, Africa," the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

Speaking about the West's supply of various types of weapons to Ukraine, Zakharova stressed that these actions are part of "a huge corruption scheme for pumping and laundering Western money through the Kyiv regime."

In addition, she pointed to the direct involvement of the United States in the Ukrainian conflict.

According to her, Washington is interested "in the maximum delay" of hostilities and in control of this situation.

Kyiv's draft on security guarantees, published this week, pursues the same goal.

In particular, it refers to the need for investment by the allies in the country's military-industrial complex and the transfer of weapons to Ukraine.

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“These are not “security guarantees” for Ukraine, but a desire to kill us.

Previously, the West did not talk about it openly.

They talked about anything: that we are not like that, that we need to be corrected, that we need to be remade so that we become correct and good, that we need to be taught for a long time.

Today they speak differently, openly declaring that Russians should simply be killed, ”the diplomat stated.

Earlier, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov, in an interview with RIA Novosti, said that Kyiv had requested from Washington a new package of military assistance, which deals with dozens of types of weapons, including attack UAVs, Harpoon anti-submarine missiles.

The Russian side is also concerned about the desire of the Kyiv regime to obtain ATACMS tactical missiles designed to strike targets at a distance of up to 300 km.

“If Kyiv receives such weapons, large Russian cities, as well as industrial and transport infrastructure facilities, will fall into the area of ​​​​possible destruction.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine constantly violate the norms of humanitarian law, even in those territories that were considered part of Ukraine.

Settlements of Donbass are being shelled, peaceful, innocent people are dying.

See how many swastikas and Nazi symbols are on Ukrainian military equipment.

If this happens in relation to the DPR and LPR, then, obviously, if these warriors have long-range American missiles, they will use them without hesitation in our country.

Such a scenario would mean direct involvement of the United States in a military confrontation with Russia,” the diplomat explained.

ATACMS is an operational-tactical ballistic missile that can be launched from multiple launch rocket systems, including HIMARS, which the United States has been supplying to Ukraine since June.

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