Teller Report

The Ministry of Culture of Russia stated that they had not received Poland's claims for art objects

9/14/2022, 6:14:58 PM

The Ministry of Culture of Russia has not received any official claims from Poland on art objects stored in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin, the department said.

They recalled that the conditions for the transfer of displaced cultural property to interested states were regulated in accordance with the Federal Law “On cultural property transferred to the USSR as a result of World War II and located on the territory of Russia”.

The department also explained that these valuables belong to a special category, since they were transported to the territory of the Soviet Union as compensatory restitution for the actions of Nazi Germany and its allies during the Great Patriotic War.

“At the moment, Poland has not received an official claim for displaced cultural property in the manner prescribed by this law to the Russian Ministry of Culture,” RIA Novosti quotes a statement from the Russian Ministry of Culture.

Earlier, the Polish authorities demanded from Russia the restitution of seven cultural objects lost by the country during the Second World War.