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Malaysian companies take advantage of the China-ASEAN Expo to expand business opportunities - Xinhua

9/14/2022, 12:09:54 PM

Malaysian enterprises take advantage of China-ASEAN Expo to expand business opportunities   [Explanation] On September 13, the 2022 China (China) Malaysia (Malaysia) Enterprise Cooperation Matchmaking Conference was held in the "cloud". This event was organized by the Malaysian Foreign Trade Development Agency, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia, and the China-ASEAN Expo It is hosted by the Secretariat and other units, and has branch venues in Nanning, Guangxi an

  [Explanation] On September 13, the 2022 China (China) Malaysia (Malaysia) Enterprise Cooperation Matchmaking Conference was held in the "cloud". This event was organized by the Malaysian Foreign Trade Development Agency, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia, and the China-ASEAN Expo It is hosted by the Secretariat and other units, and has branch venues in Nanning, Guangxi and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  [Explanation] Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing said in a video speech that in recent years, the relationship between China and Malaysia has continuously achieved leapfrog development, especially after the implementation of RCEP on January 1 this year, the focus of investment cooperation between Chinese and Malaysian enterprises It is expanding from traditional fields such as textiles and clothing to digital economy, green development, and biotechnology.

  [Concurrent] Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing

  China-Malaysia relations are a vivid epitome of the development of China-ASEAN relations. With the joint efforts of all parties in China-ASEAN countries, on January 1, 2022, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will come into effect as scheduled. China-Malaysia economic and trade cooperation has been further deepened and developed.

Over the past three decades, the bilateral trade volume between China and ASEAN has increased from less than US$8 billion to US$878.2 billion in 2021, an increase of more than 100 times. The proportion of China-ASEAN bilateral trade in ASEAN's total foreign trade has increased from 1995. From less than 3% in 2016, it has increased to more than 20% today. The cumulative investment between the two sides has exceeded 310 billion US dollars. ASEAN has become China's most important foreign investment destination and source of foreign direct investment.

  [Explanation] Mustafa, director of the Malaysian Foreign Trade Development Agency, said in a video speech that, as the country of honor of this year's China-ASEAN Expo, Malaysia participated in this event to promote exchanges and interactions between the Malaysian and Chinese governments, business associations, and enterprises. Deepen cooperation in trade, investment, digital economy and other fields, and promote the further development of Malaysia-China economic and trade cooperation under the framework of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

  [Commentary] Lim Wanfeng, Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia is very optimistic about the future of Malaysia-China cooperation. He said that China has become Malaysia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years, and Malaysia-China bilateral economic and trade relations have entered the best stage in history. The result of mutual respect and close cooperation.

  [Explanation] It is reported that in order to help Chinese and Malaysian enterprises reach investment cooperation intentions and promote the realization of cooperation results as soon as possible, this 3-day matchmaking meeting arranged more than 300 "one-on-one" talks, involving food, medical, building materials, machinery, Commodities and many other industries.

  Chen Yanyou, Lin Hao, Guangxi Nanning reported

Responsible editor: [Wang Yu]