Teller Report

Feijóo demands an income pact: "At this time it is necessary to raise wages"

9/14/2022, 10:02:37 PM

"If companies can propose it and its viability allows it, at this time it is necessary to raise wages, because inflation is eating up a lot of power...

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"If the companies can propose it and its viability allows it, at this moment it is necessary to raise wages, because inflation is eating up a lot of purchasing power."

This is what

Alberto Núñez Feijóo

thinks about the need to update the remuneration of employed workers.

But he didn't want to get wet anymore.

How much should wages be raised?

"That corresponds to the union organizations and the


"What we have to guarantee is the viability of the company" and "not go on strike", but "get an income agreement" that also revalues ​​pensions, she warned.

In an interview in

La Sexta,

Feijóo has already advocated "updating" the remuneration of pensioners, but he has not proposed a percentage either.

"We are waiting for the government to tell us how pensions can be increased with the CPI" and if this is compatible with European standards.

In the interview, which began at 10:42 p.m. and ended at 11:45 p.m., Feijóo has served to clarify the star measure of his energy plan: energy saving incentives for families and SMEs.

The president of the PP now includes an element that his document did not detail: "To stop savings" so that it is dedicated fundamentally to "low and medium incomes."

"It would be more useful to do it based on income"

and not subsidize, for example, someone "with a heated pool."

And he has complained that introducing progressivity in the measure is something that the Government "has not done" in another measure, that of the gasoline and diesel subsidy.

This measure of discounts of the receipt to those who save would cost 2,900 million.

"It is worth spending 3,000 million

to lower inflation by one point, which is 20,000 million" for the economy, he said.

Regarding this plan, Feijóo has pointed out that he had as advisers "senior officials of the

European Commission

and people who have worked at

Enagás, Red Eléctrica",

as well as the Spanish energy companies themselves and the "experts" of the PP.

The leader of the opposition has influenced his proposal to lower the VAT on food, and has added a novelty: "In some cases, the full VAT could be exempted from some foods."

"But first you have to lower the personal income tax",

deflating the rate for those who charge less than 40,000 euros.

Before that, Feijóo has confirmed that he will support the establishment of the European tax on the extraordinary benefits of electricity companies: "If the Government does this, it will have our vote."

But not in the tax that

Sánchez raises,

because it taxes the billing and not the benefit.

"We cannot be complicit in this tax, and we have the alternative of the EU; the logical thing is that Sánchez wait for the EU and let us do the same" that he proposes.

After showing him the presenter,

Ana Pastor,

a video with a succession of the adjectives that he has dedicated to the Government, the president of the PP has asked "forgiveness" if some of his harshest criticisms have offended members of the Government.

And he has complained that 22 ministers insult him.

Feijóo has also revealed that he has spoken "a couple of times" with

Pablo Casado

and that he is going to meet with him soon, alone and at the request of the former PP president.

As for the


Feijóo has opined that the conservative members are not in rebellion, because there is no other law in which the legislative power or the Executive set a deadline for the actions of the judiciary.

And he has emphasized that the Commissioner for Justice,

Didier Reynders,

has called for a change in the model for electing the members of the Council, so that at least half are chosen by the judges.

"And he is going to visit Spain," Feijóo has warned, intentionally.

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  • General Council of the Judiciary

  • Paul Married

  • Ana Pastor

  • personal income tax

  • PP

  • European Comission

  • The sixth

  • Alberto Nunez Feijoo

  • Justice