Teller Report

“Human Resources” designs services for its customers “before they are requested.”

9/14/2022, 10:27:07 PM

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has launched an electronic questionnaire to monitor the opinions and observations of customers, on the design and development of its digital services on its website, smart applications and social media platforms, as part of a strategic plan aimed at providing proactive electronic services.

A government guide identifies 5 components to define “proactive service”

“Human Resources” designs services for its customers “before they are requested.”

Building forecasting models that enable government agencies to know the future needs of their customers.


The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has launched an electronic questionnaire to monitor the opinions and observations of customers, on the design and development of its digital services on its website, smart applications and social media platforms, as part of a strategic plan aimed at providing proactive electronic services to the customer without the need to request them, in accordance with the approved standards, and directly without The need to log in or obtain a user name, taking into account the privacy and information security standards and the verification mechanism of the applicant, pointing out that it is possible to participate in the survey through its official website, until the end of this September.

The ministry explained that it has developed and designed a set of services to be proactive services, which were prepared in accordance with the standards approved in the proactive services guide established by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, such as the “unified digital platform”, in integration with the services provided by other agencies, so that the package is provided to customers in a manner Proactively, as well as launching a set of direct services, which are submitted directly by the customer without the need to log in or obtain a user name, taking into account all privacy and information security standards and the mechanism for verifying the applicant, in order to enhance the directions of the UAE government to develop proactive services Offered to the customer prior to their request, providing a smooth, fast and integrated customer experience.

She stated that she has future plans and programs to anticipate and predict the services that the customer needs, based on his needs, preferences and life events, based on the data, information and documents defined by the government, stressing its keenness to facilitate procedures and provide the best proactive services based on international standards and best practices, efficiently, effectively and developing Mechanisms to reach the best results to keep pace with future trends and requirements and improve the quality of life.

According to the UAE Government’s Proactive Services Guide, the method of providing government services has witnessed a tremendous development during the past few years, as services were provided by traditional methods represented in providing them “on request” by the customer, through various technology channels, but the rapid development of Numerous technological applications that can be harnessed in the field of government services have stimulated the shift from the on-demand service model to becoming a “pre-demand” government service.

The guide confirmed that the new method depends mainly on building forecasting models, and using data in a way that enables government agencies to know their customers, the services they need, and the initiative to suggest them to the customer before he requests them, noting that the strategy of anticipating and predicting the services that the customer needs is based on his needs, preferences and events. His life is based on the data, information and documents defined by the government, and they are proposed to the customer in a timely manner.

The guide identified five basic components for the definition of “proactive government services”, starting with anticipating and predicting the services that the customer needs, then providing the expected services before requesting them, with the need for the services to be based on his needs, preferences and life events, as well as to be provided to him in a timely and easily, and finally It should be based on government-defined data and information.

The government guide also established a classification to facilitate the identification of services that can be converted into proactive services, which includes “procedural services”, as it is proposed to activate the provision of proactive services, related to the implementation of government transactions that have clear outputs related to a service that the customer requested, as well as “information services”, where it is proposed to provide information Linked to the service requested by the customer, and the “entitlement check service”, by implementing the eligibility check automatically and without a request from the customer, and informing him if he fulfills the requirements for obtaining a specific service, and finally “reminder services” by informing the customer of the imminent date of the service that he may request in a proactive manner.

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