Teller Report

Test drive electric Hummer: dinosaurs under power

9/13/2022, 1:26:57 PM

The martial Hummer is now celebrating a comeback as an electric car. Money is not an issue and electricity comes from the socket.

In nature, evolution has wiped out the dinosaurs.

But on the road, it works the other way around, and with the shift to electromobility, perhaps the most backward car of all time is making a comeback.

Because as an answer to electric mass and macho cars like the Ford F-150 Lightning or the Rivian R1T, General Motors is bringing an electric pick-up and taking none other than the Hummer out of Pandora's box.

During the Gulf War as the most important vehicle for the desert strikers every evening on the TV news, the powerful and martial off-road vehicle then became the favorite car of the stars in civilian service.

While Arnold Schwarzenegger rolled through Hollywood in the Hummer, the monster became the epitome of automotive irrationality and was pilloried as a symbol for both superfluous and oversized SUVs - until the brand was discontinued in 2010 and, of all things, the Chevrolet Volt and its Hessian twin Opel Ampera were produced in the main plant were built.

But because electric motors apparently justify any madness, batteries are balm for the environmental conscience and electricity is known to come from the socket, the dinosaur is reviving.

Externally almost unchanged except for the LED cooler with its imposing Hummer lettering, just as angular and with a width of 2.20 meters and almost six meters long also similarly gigantic, but inside with huge screens that are up to date, it is once again closing a fearsome colossus of steel whose left lane is readily cleared.

But the attitude towards the car changes with the space.

If you don't look up at the lobster, but look out of it, you not only feel invulnerable, you can't escape a certain fascination.

Finally, the shadow cast by the little toe on the accelerator pedal is enough to bring the world of physics down.

Even a super sports car seems strangely tame and toothless when the three electric motors catapult the three-tonne colossus to 100 km/h in less than three seconds without any warning and without any noise, as if the inertia of the mass were just a myth .

Even the steepest mountains are not much more than bumps for the Hummer, and anyone who drives the pick-up crab-walk at an angle instead of forward because the rear-axle steering and all-wheel drive without a mechanical connection make even the craziest maneuvers possible will immediately become a star on YouTube .

But because in truth even a Hummer can't overturn the physics, the GM engineers have to drive an insane effort.

They therefore not only install 1000 hp and 1600 Nm, but also the largest battery ever installed in a type of car, with a net capacity of 210 kWh.

For comparison: The Mercedes EQS has not even half as many kWh.

But with the 900 kilo battery pack, the Hummer manages a range of 500 kilometers.

The First Edition is priced at $110,000.

Later, with a smaller battery and only 830 or even a poor 625 hp, it should drop to less than 80,000 dollars.

Excessive format, insane performance - rarely were fascination and fear so close together as with this car.

But don't worry: at least in our latitudes, hardly anyone will ever have to solve this dilemma.

First, General Motors has more promising electric models for export, like the Cadillac Lyriq, to ​​offer in Europe.

Second, the Hummer is so coveted in America that the very first specimen fetched $2.5 million at auction this spring, and even used ones can be sold for three times the new price.

Therefore, for now, no one in Detroit would dream of siphoning off a few specimens for export.