Teller Report

MB, policy to apply for extension of suspension of execution... "Health reasons"

9/13/2022, 4:08:01 AM

Former President Lee Myung-bak, who was temporarily released for three months due to a suspended sentence, decided to apply for an extension of the suspension period. In a phone call with SBS today, former President Lee said, "I plan to file an extension request to the prosecution this weekend for health reasons."

Former President Lee Myung-bak, who was temporarily released for three months due to a suspended sentence, decided to apply for an extension of the suspension period.

On the 13th, former President Lee's representative said in a phone call with SBS, "I plan to file an extension request to the prosecution this weekend for health reasons."

Former President Lee was sentenced to 17 years in prison and a fine of 13 billion won on charges of embezzling company funds after receiving large bribes from Samsung Group. released

After his release, former President Lee stayed at his home in Nonhyeon-dong and received outpatient treatment.

Whether or not to extend the suspension of the sentence is finally decided after a meeting of the deliberation committee chaired by the deputy prosecutor.

(Photo = Yonhap News)