Teller Report

Conflict between residents... 'Cat food?'

9/13/2022, 9:09:17 AM

<Oh! Click > Time. A story has been reported that the resident was damaged by a resident who put cat food in the underground parking lot of the apartment.


Click > Time.

A story has been reported that the resident was damaged by a resident who put cat food in the underground parking lot of the apartment.


Click> The first search term is 'cat food in the underground parking lot'.

In the photo released by netizen A, there is a bowl of cat food under the car parked in the underground parking lot.

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This has been repeated for several days, and Mr. A notifies the apartment online community that "both residents and cats can be victims" and asked not to leave food in the underground parking lot.

However, even after that, food was still found and cats were lounging in the parking lot.

Eventually, a cat footprint was found on the bonnet of Mr. A's vehicle, and a residue was even formed.

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Mr. A was angry, but instead of protesting, he moved the feed bowl to the ground and informed the security guard.

However, it was said that it was difficult to take an active role because of concerns about animal cruelty.

Mr. A asked for advice, "How do I get my neighbors to fix their behavior?"

Enlarging an image

Netizens responded, "That way, a cat may get hit by a car.", "If you harm your neighbors, you should apologize first. Please consider the same human beings first."

(Screen source: Baby Dream)