Teller Report

A panel of experts begins to formulate the government's "Children's Charter"

9/13/2022, 7:44:13 PM

[NHK] Regarding the government's child policy, the government's panel of experts began discussing the formulation of the "Children's Outline", which sets out the basic policies, etc., and Shoko Ogura...

Regarding the government's child policy, the government's expert panel has begun discussions on the formulation of a "Children's Outline" that sets out basic policies, etc. showed.

The government has decided to formulate a "Children's Outline" that sets out basic policies and important matters regarding child policy, and discussions began at an expert meeting on the 13th.

In this, Mr. Ogura, the minister in charge of the declining birthrate, said, ``In formulating the outline, I would like to listen to the voices of various people and give it ample consideration.''

Afterwards, at the meeting, attendees commented, "In order to ensure the quality of childcare, it is necessary to secure human resources such as teachers and child guidance center staff, which are in short supply." There is a need for policies to support preschool children who are not in school.”

After the meeting, Minister Ogura told reporters, ``In order to make significant progress in child policy, it is necessary for all kinds of people to have a sense of ownership and to move forward with the policy as a national movement.'' He expressed his intention to hasten the examination with the aim of formulating it around the fall of next year.