Teller Report

A British man receives his meal from "McDonald's" on the back of a horse and tops "Social Media"

9/12/2022, 3:07:48 PM

A British employee at McDonald's take-out department was surprised by the arrival of a man on a horse to receive his order from the take-out window instead of sitting in a comfortable car seat waiting for his meal.

A British man receives his meal from "McDonald's" on the back of a horse and tops "Social Media"

A British employee at McDonald's take-out department was surprised by the arrival of a man on a horse to receive his order from the take-out window instead of sitting in a comfortable car seat waiting for his meal.

The man, who chose to come on his horse instead of the car, went to the external service department and asked for a meal, which consisted of 100 pieces of chicken nuggets (fried chicken pieces), and the hungry knight posted a video of his arrival at McDonald's on the social networking platform "Tik Tok" and requested it from the eastern branch of the British capital.

In the following clips, the huge horse runs towards the driver's window while his rider takes his order to the restaurant staff, then they head to the next window to collect his huge bag full of fried chicken.

And the funny clip quickly spread on the communication platforms, gaining more than 1.6 million views so far.

Users of the platform flocked to the comments section to share their amazement at the unusual method of transportation, and one of them asked why the jockey did not kindly order a carrot meal for his trusted horse as well, to which the first replied by saying, “My mare is hard to please, but I have candy in my pocket.

That is why her mouth is green.”

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