Teller Report

US to present UNGA resolution banning anti-satellite weapons tests

9/9/2022, 7:42:36 PM

US Vice President Kamala Harris said that the United States intends to introduce a resolution to the UN General Assembly calling on countries around the world to stop testing anti-satellite weapons.

Harris recalled that in April the United States announced a moratorium on testing anti-satellite weapons.

“This month, the United States will submit a resolution to the UN General Assembly calling on other countries to make the same commitments,” TASS quoted her as saying at a meeting of the US National Space Council.

In May, it became known that the Pentagon announced plans to put into orbit in March 2023 two prototype satellites designed to track hypersonic and ballistic missiles.

In November 2021, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that Russia had successfully tested a promising system that "jeweled" hit an old satellite.

As President Vladimir Putin noted, the United States once tested anti-satellite weapons and has them, and when Russia conducted such a test, "there was noise all over the world."