Teller Report

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress Meet with the President and First Lady of Palau at the Imperial Palace

9/9/2022, 1:07:01 PM

[NHK] Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress were interviewed on the evening of the 9th when President and Mrs. Whips of Palau were visiting Japan.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress had a press conference on the evening of the 9th with Palau's President and Mrs. Whips, who are visiting Japan.

Palauan President and Mrs. Whips visited the Imperial Palace at 4:00 pm on the 9th and were greeted by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress.

According to the Imperial Household Agency, it is the first time for Their Majesties to meet with the president and his wife, and at the press conference, in 2015, the Emperor and Empress visited Peleliu Island in Palau, which was the site of a fierce battle in the Pacific War, and memorialized the war dead. was also discussed.

The Emperor said, "I am sincerely grateful for the efforts of the people of Palau to clean up the cenotaphs and cemeteries and collect the remains of the Palauan people after the war, even though they experienced severe war damage." "The visit of the Emperor and Empress to Peleliu Island is a matter of pride for Palau, and is an important opportunity to recognize the importance of reconciliation and peace."

Also, when the Emperor asked about the impact of climate change on Palau, the president said, "Rising sea levels are having a serious impact on the ecosystem, such as the loss of small islands."

The press conference was held in a small hall of the Imperial Palace for about 30 minutes in a friendly atmosphere from beginning to end. It was waved and sent off.