Teller Report

The King of Britain exercises certain constitutional powers and does not interfere in political affairs

9/9/2022, 10:08:15 PM

The position of the King of the United Kingdom is a ceremonial figure, as he does not interfere in political affairs, but, as head of state, retains some constitutional powers. Parliament is the highest legislative authority in Britain, and it consists of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Crown, which is another term that means "money."

The crown is the oldest component of the British system of government

The King of Britain exercises certain constitutional powers and does not interfere in political affairs

  • King Charles with his wife Camilla.



The position of the King of the United Kingdom is a ceremonial figure, as he does not interfere in political affairs, but, as head of state, retains some constitutional powers.

Parliament is the highest legislative authority in Britain, and consists of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Crown, another term meaning monarchy.

The crown is the oldest component of the British system of government, but its powers have faded over time, and are now largely restricted to certain rituals.

government appointment

The day after the legislative elections, the King invites the leader of the party that has won the most seats in Parliament in the House of Commons, to be Prime Minister and to form the Government.

The king opens Parliament each year in a traditional ceremony, called the Throne Speech, and reads out the government's plans for the next 12 months.

This major annual event usually begins with the arrival of the King in Westminster, in procession from Buckingham Palace, wearing the Imperial Crown.

The king or queen enters the House of Lords.

The holder of the position of the "black wand" (Black Rod) is heading to invite MPs in the House of Commons, where the door is closed in his face in a symbolic measure, to confirm the independence of the House vis-à-vis the monarchy.

The Crown formally dissolves Parliament before holding new legislative elections.

When a bill is approved by the House of Commons and the House of Lords, it is sent to the King to be signed, to be promulgated and become law.

Although the king can technically refuse it, in practice this procedure is a formality.

Queen Anne was the last monarch to refuse to assent to an act in 1708.

Queen Elizabeth II met with heads of government once a week, at meetings during which they informed her of their plans and concerns.

At the end of her reign the meetings became more and more virtual.

"They tell me what's going on, or if they have any problems, and sometimes I can help them somehow," she said in a 1992 documentary.

"They know I can be unbiased, and it's fun to feel like a sponge," she added.

The King has the power to appoint Lords in Parliament, but he exercises this power only on the advice of Cabinet Ministers.

The King also personally awards the Knight's Medal, to honor those who have made a great contribution to British society in all fields.

And every year the government presents him with a list of candidates to honor.

The king is allowed to exercise his royal powers "in the event of a serious constitutional crisis".

Then, he is allowed to deviate from the advice of ministers, but this has not happened in modern times.

The King, the supreme ruler of the Church of England, has the power to appoint bishops and archbishops.

But this power is exercised only on the advice of an ecclesiastical commission.

 The King has the power to appoint Lords in Parliament, but he exercises this power only on the advice of Cabinet Ministers.

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