Teller Report

The 8,000-mu terraced fields in Tongzi, Guizhou are beautiful and picturesque during the harvest season - video

9/9/2022, 3:12:32 PM

The 8,000-mu terraced fields in Tongzi, Guizhou are picturesquely harvested during the harvest season

  Now is the rice harvest season.

The 8,000-mu terraced rice fields in Yaolongshan Town, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province were harvested with sickle a few days ago. The drones overlooked them. The terraced fields were layered and golden, and the villagers were busy harvesting in the fields, forming a beautiful pastoral picture.

  It is understood that the "Yaolong Fragrant Rice" in Yaolongshan Town, Tongzi County is 4 yuan to 5 yuan per catty, not only for the local market, but also exported to Zunyi, Guiyang, Chongqing and other places.

Today, the industry has become a characteristic industry for local people to increase their incomes and help rural revitalization.

(Chen Guiliang Wang Yinyuchao produced Pu Wensi video source Tongzi County Rong Media Center)

Responsible editor: [Yu Xiao]