Teller Report

Elizabeth II's favorite descendants are the least wise

9/9/2022, 3:42:38 PM

Princes Andrew and Harry have accumulated contempts and offenses We are only betrayed by those we love. This is sometimes what Queen Elizabeth II was able to say to herself, who had many problems with Princes Andrew and Harry, respectively her son and her grandson, who were, according to royal critics, her favorites. Honor to the elders, with the father of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who first created a scandal by divorcing Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of Y

We are only betrayed by those we love.

This is sometimes what Queen Elizabeth II was able to say to herself, who had many problems with Princes Andrew and Harry, respectively her son and her grandson, who were, according to royal critics, her favorites.

Honor to the elders, with the father of Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who first created a scandal by divorcing Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York caught having her feet licked on vacation by another.

The former couple nevertheless remained on good terms, so good that they found themselves embroiled in various financial scandals over the years.

In 2010, the British press revealed that Sarah Ferguson had promised a man posing as a sheik to organize a meeting with her ex-husband against 500,000 pounds sterling.

Problem: it was a reporter from the

News of the World


And just this year, in April, a millionaire, Nebahat Isbilen, sued her financial adviser for fraud.

As the BBC relays, Sarah Ferguson would have received, via this delicacy adviser, 245,000 pounds sterling and Prince Andrew more than a million.

Epstein case

In addition to her son's errors in financial judgment, Queen Elizabeth II also had to get him out of the Epstein affair.

Prince Andrew has indeed been accused of having had non-consensual sexual relations with a minor, who was then under the influence of the pedophile businessman.

The story was settled out of court, with the Duke of York paying a substantial sum in damages.

Not one to catch up with the other

On the side of Prince Harry, no sexual and financial scandals.

The young man rather distinguished himself in his young years for his lack of judgment, if we put that on the account of his young age.

On January 13, 2005, the queen had a shock while reading the press: her grandson disguised as a Nazi was on the front page of all the tabloids, when he was 20 years old.

If he apologized in a press release the next day, four years later, he was filmed nicknaming his colleagues in the army "paki" and another "bougnoule".

New fury of the queen, also known for having fought against Nazism during the Second World War.

Racism in the Palace

Pledge that everyone can change, Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in 2018, an actress committed to the feminist cause and against racism.

What allay concerns about the future of the youngest son of prince Charles.

The ace.

In 2020, the newlyweds announce that they are renouncing their royal duties and have left to settle in the United States.

They had explained that they wanted to find a "normal life", far from the tabloids which they held responsible for their ill-being.

But last year, Prince Harry gave a devastating interview to Oprah Winfrey with his wife, Meghan Markle, in which the couple spoke about the racism they allegedly suffered within Buckingham Palace.

Two weeks before the death of Elizabeth II, an interview was still released with the former actress of


, who promoted her weekly podcast, and in which she once again blamed the royal family while denouncing the racism of those around her. From the palace.

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped down in 2020, the Queen stripped them of their royal titles which they had tried to trademark.

Prince Andrew was stripped of his military titles and patronage by the Queen earlier this year.

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