Teller Report

The deceased Olga Kachura was depicted on one of the bas-reliefs of the memorial of the Saur-Mogila complex

9/8/2022, 10:37:03 PM

On one of the bas-reliefs of the memorial of the Saur-Mogila complex, the deceased commander of the DPR militia Olga Kachura with the call sign Korsa was depicted, said Sergey Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia.

He stressed that every face on the obelisk is a real hero.

“When the tragedy happened and the legendary Korsa died, it was already unclear whether it was possible to make it in time?

But the sculptors did.

They stopped work and managed to make sure that Korsa is also on the obelisk, ”RIA Novosti quotes Kiriyenko.

The President of Russia, in his speech on the occasion of the opening of the restored Saur-Mogila memorial complex in the DPR, noted earlier that the re-creation of the memorial to the defenders of Donbass, the courage of soldiers, officers and militias is a warning to all who have renounced their ancestors and forgotten the lessons of history.

He stressed that the Donbass militia selflessly defended their native land and, after fierce battles, recaptured the height, repeating the feat of their ancestors.