Teller Report

Putin called the demolition of monuments to Soviet heroes in a number of countries a betrayal of his own fathers

9/8/2022, 8:18:32 PM

Russia, with pain in its heart, sees how in some countries the monuments to Soviet soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom of their own peoples are being demolished, and will never be able to understand and accept the desire to destroy what reminds of the heroism of their ancestors, said Russian state leader Vladimir Putin.

“With pain in our hearts, we see how in some countries they demolish monuments to Soviet soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom of their own peoples, how they mock history, cynically betray their own fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers,” he said on the occasion of the opening of the restored memorial complex "Saur-Mogila".

For Russia, all this is unthinkable, Putin stressed.

“We are the flesh of the flesh of our heroes.

And the reconstruction of the memorial to the defenders of Donbass, the courage of our soldiers, officers and militias is a warning to everyone who has renounced their ancestors and forgotten the lessons of history,” he said.