Teller Report

Nebenzya: Kyiv sends soldiers to certain death in order to "beg for weapons" from the West

9/8/2022, 10:06:58 PM

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya at a meeting of the UN Security Council said that Kyiv, in order to "beg for new weapons" on the eve of the meeting of NATO defense ministers in Ramstein, is making insane counteroffensive attempts, but this leads to the fact that the fields near Nikolaev and Zaporozhye and the forests near Kharkov “strewn with thousands of corpses of Ukrainian soldiers,” who were sent to certain death and were not allowed to retreat.

“As far as we can judge, even the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine opposed this madness, but the head of Ukraine, after talking with his American and British colleagues, was adamant.

As a result, the fields near Nikolaev and Zaporozhye and the forests near Kharkov are littered with thousands of corpses of Ukrainian soldiers who were sent to certain death and who were not allowed to retreat by detachments, ”RIA Novosti quotes him as saying.

At the same time, “a breakthrough, of course, is not even close,” he added, noting that “the necessary media background for the meeting in Ramstein” was nevertheless created.

On September 7, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that due to heavy losses in manpower and equipment, the Armed Forces of Ukraine did not carry out offensive operations in the Nikolaev-Krivoy Rog direction during the day.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu previously noted that the goal of Ukraine's "counteroffensive" is to create the illusion of Kyiv's ability to resist the Russian army.