Teller Report

Education: Five schools for girls have reopened in eastern Afghanistan

9/8/2022, 10:00:21 PM

In one province in the east of the country, five public secondary schools for girls have reopened in one province in the east of the country. Until then, they were banned by the Taliban from attending classes.…

Education: Five schools for girls have reopened in eastern Afghanistan

A school for girls in Kabul, Afghanistan, March 27, 2021. © Rahmat Gul/AP

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In one province in the east of the country, five public secondary schools for girls have reopened in one province in the east of the country.

Until then, they were banned by the Taliban from attending classes.

But in front of their insistence, the provincial officials yielded.


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Every morning, some 300 students return to school benches.

 Since the girls came on their own, we didn't send them back

 ,” says the director of a high school in the town of Garde.

In all, five high schools and colleges in the province of Paktia have thus reopened their doors, closed since March on the orders of the Taliban. 

The government in Kabul had repeatedly said that the ban on girls attending secondary school was linked only to a "

 technical problem

 " and that classes would resume once the school curriculum had been readjusted to the precepts. Islamic.

In the absence of an official decision, the girls took the lead and asked for the reopening of their establishments.

And, against all odds, they won their case with the provincial notables.


Girls too must have access to education


The example of the Paktia region is already gaining ground.

On social networks, Internet users have launched a campaign for the education of girls.

The Afghan news site Tolo News cites one of the many comments: “

 If God gave the right to school for boys, girls must also have access to education


►Also listen: International Report - Education in danger in Afghanistan


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