Teller Report

Breakthrough research results continue to emerge, and new R&D institutions provide "Beijing samples"

9/8/2022, 9:24:58 PM

In recent years, Beijing has promulgated the "Implementation Measures of Beijing Municipality for Supporting the Construction of New World-Class R&D Institutions (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Measures"), which supports the construction of a number of high-level new R&D institutions, which have made innovations in original innovation and breakthroughs in key core technologies. Significant progress and achievements have been made in the introduction and cultivation of high-level talents.

  A number of first-class scientific research institutes in Beijing attract a large number of outstanding talents at home and abroad, and breakthrough research results continue to emerge

  New R&D institutions provide "Beijing samples"

  In recent years, Beijing has promulgated the "Implementation Measures of Beijing Municipality for Supporting the Construction of New World-Class R&D Institutions (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Measures"), which supports the construction of a number of high-level new R&D institutions, which have made innovations in original innovation and breakthroughs in key core technologies. Significant progress and achievements have been made in the introduction and cultivation of high-level talents.

On the eve of the opening of the 2022 Zhongguancun Forum, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily visited three R&D institutions, including Beijing Brain Science and Brain-inspired Research Center, Beijing Yanqi Lake Institute of Applied Mathematics and Beijing Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research Institute, and deeply felt the "Beijing Sample". Innovative vitality.

  According to reports, Beijing adheres to the principles of "marketization, legalization, internationalization" and "simplicity", and accelerates the construction of a new world-class R&D institution that is in line with international standards.

In order to better stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific researchers, Beijing has launched five new mechanisms, namely, highlighting the "new operating system", highlighting the "new financial support policy", highlighting the "new performance evaluation mechanism", and highlighting the "new knowledge". Property rights incentives”, highlighting new fixed asset management methods.

  With the help of the "Five New Mechanisms", Beijing's new R&D institutions have attracted huge global high-end innovative talents.

A reporter from the Beiqing Daily found that the three new R&D institutions are a group of elites, and almost all of the researchers have outstanding domestic and foreign educational backgrounds and scientific research experience, and many of them are top scientists in their fields imported from overseas.

  Three new R&D institutions, the Beijing Institute of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the Stem Cell Research Institute), the Beijing Yanqi Lake Institute of Applied Mathematics (hereinafter referred to as the Institute of Applied Mathematics), and the Beijing Brain Science and Brain-like Research Center (hereinafter referred to as the Brain Center), were born. It has been devoted to research since its establishment. Although it was established not long ago, it has produced a number of research results with world influence.

  In stem cell and regenerative medicine research, the Stem Cell Research Institute has made a number of original breakthroughs.

For the first time in the world, the programmable connection of complete mammalian chromosomes has been realized, which has laid a corresponding technical platform for in-depth understanding of structural variation such as large-scale remodeling of mammalian chromosomes, and the molecular mechanisms of its growth and development, reproductive evolution, and even speciation.

  The School of Applied Mathematics has also achieved a number of research results around the research direction determined at the early stage of construction.

For example, Ding Jintai, Tao Chengdong, etc. from the blockchain and cryptography team broke the third round post-quantum signature candidate algorithm GeMSS (HFEv-) of NIST for the first time. Best Paper Honorable Mention.

  The Brain Center focuses on the analysis of the basic principles of brain cognition, major diseases related to cognitive impairment, brain-like and brain-computer interfaces, and the construction of common technology platforms and resource banks, and has achieved a number of research results.

For example, Rao Yi's lab published two articles in the "Journal of Biological Chemistry". Through three rare rounds of biochemical separation and purification, it was found that the important protein kinase AMPK and its similar kinases can be phosphorylated by multiple members of the STE20 family. .

If it is further confirmed that the upstream and downstream relationship of STE20-AMPK is indeed involved in a large number of important physiological processes, the findings of this study will bring breakthrough progress in neurobiological research.

Xiong Wei's lab published a long article in the journal "Cell Reports", demonstrating for the first time in a mammalian model that the gene repair pathway using non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) can effectively achieve in vivo gene therapy for congenital genetic diseases. We demonstrate the repair of frameshift mutations and partial repair of auditory and balance functions through the NHEJ pathway at both tissue and animal levels.

The success of this study suggests that hereditary diseases caused by frameshift mutations, which account for 22% of human single-gene genetic diseases, have broad therapeutic prospects.

  Cheng Song, an assistant researcher at the School of Applied Mathematics, is only 30 years old this year. As a Ph.D. degree in theoretical physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cheng Song is very satisfied with the working environment of the School of Applied Mathematics.

"There is no short-term KPI assessment. Basic subjects such as mathematics require a long period of dedicated study, and it is difficult to produce results in the short term. Without the pressure of short-term KPIs, we can do scientific research with peace of mind."

  "In the past 5-10 years, our scientific research institutions have made great progress. It can be said that my scientific research conditions in the Brain Center are much better than when I was in the United States." Dr. Zhao Hu, who returned to China to join the Brain Center last summer, told a reporter from Beiqing Daily Heartfelt sigh during the interview.

The transparency technology developed by Zhao Hu's laboratory has been widely used in the transparency and 3D imaging research of various soft and hard tissues by many laboratories around the world.

  Deputy Dean of the School of Applied Mathematics, Professor of Tsinghua University Liu Zhengwei graduated from the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University with an undergraduate degree. Harvard followed renowned mathematical physicist Arthur Jaffe for four years of postdoctoral research.

Liu Zhengwei opened up the field of quantum Fourier analysis; proposed the mathematical graphics language Quon Language to study quantum information; solved many open problems in the field of factor related.

  Liu Zhengwei said that the School of Applied Mathematics is positioned as a world-class new R&D institution.

Benefiting from the support of various supporting policies in Beijing and Huairou District in the past two years, under the leadership of President Qiu Chengtong, a group of world-class scientific research talents has been successfully introduced.

The School of Applied Mathematics is committed to creating a first-class research environment for researchers.

His biggest wish now is to build the School of Applied Mathematics into the world's top applied mathematics research institution and an international original innovation highland as soon as possible.

  Text / reporter Cheng Jie