Teller Report

In turn, the municipality of Grau du Roi prohibits smoking around schools

9/7/2022, 1:11:43 PM

Noting the presence of too many smokers around schools, the town hall decided to legislate Like other towns in France, Le Grau-du-Roi has decided to ban smoking near schools. "Unfortunately, parents, educational staff and the municipality have observed too many uncivil behaviors by regular smokers in front of the gates and on the school forecourts, leaving their cigarette butts on the ground as well", explains the municipality of the seaside town of Gard. The town hall has therefore de

Like other towns in France, Le Grau-du-Roi has decided to ban smoking near schools.

"Unfortunately, parents, educational staff and the municipality have observed too many uncivil behaviors by regular smokers in front of the gates and on the school forecourts, leaving their cigarette butts on the ground as well", explains the municipality of the seaside town of Gard.

The town hall has therefore decided “to regulate the use of cigarettes near schools and extracurricular establishments in the city, in order to protect children from passive smoking and the risks of cigarette butts being picked up by the youngest among them.


The league against cancer calls for a law to generalize the ban

This ban concerns two kindergartens and a primary school in the commune of Gard, as well as three reception centres.

The decree, signed on August 19 and entered into force with the start of the school year, does not specify the amount of the fine in the event of an infraction.

Like Bordeaux, many towns in France have already banned smoking near schools.

The league against cancer, for its part, calls for a law prohibiting smoking within 500 meters of schools (which would almost amount to banning it outdoors in almost all cities in France...).

In July, the small town of Langlade, in the Gard, had taken an almost as radical decision: to limit the risk of fire, cigarettes had been banned in several public places, but also inside vehicles.


World No Tobacco Day: Why cigarettes are increasingly banned from cities


Gard: A village bans smoking in part of the town to avoid fires

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  • Tobacco

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  • Montpellier

  • Smoking

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  • Languedoc Roussillon