Teller Report

"Take off your underwear and throw it on the stage"... Shindong, the story of being embarrassed by the intense fan love

9/7/2022, 11:29:53 PM

Shindong, a member of the group Super Junior, revealed his experience of being embarrassed by the intense love of his fans. Shindong, who appeared on MBC's 'Radio Star', which aired on the 7th, told about his experiences in South America.

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Shindong, a member of the group Super Junior, revealed his experience of being embarrassed by the intense love of his fans.

Shindong, who appeared on MBC's 'Radio Star', which aired on the 7th, told the story of what he experienced during a concert in South America.

Shindong recalled a moment of embarrassment, saying, "During a performance in South America, a fan put his hand (inside his clothes) and then unbuttoned his underwear and threw it (on the stage)."

When Gura Kim said, "They said that it was South American culture," Shindong said, "We felt it for the first time and didn't know (if it was culture). We froze (looking at the underwear on stage) while performing."

Shindong continued, "The fans were excited when we reacted. From then on, we brought more in our bags. He threw various underwear and stronger things. He threw t-shirts and even contraceptives." We talked about it," he said, requesting restraint from the fans.

Shindong revealed that he himself had thrown absurd objects at fans.

Shindong said, "Actually, my teeth are laminated. I had temporary teeth for a week before modeling, and it was a performance at that time. While talking at the concert, I accidentally hit my front teeth with the microphone, and four of my front teeth flew away. I went and got a temporary tooth and it did fit. It was fortunate," he recalled.

But Shindong said, "I'm singing again, and in an instant, my teeth flew into the audience. The camera came, my teeth flew away, I should sing.

Shindong said, "After finishing everything, I went down the stairs to find (temporary tooth) and it was not there. The audience (who picked it up) handed it to me."

When asked if the laminate is well established now, Shindong said, "I did well with ceramic. Sometimes, if I laminate with something other than ceramic, the karaoke lighting will turn blue. If you are worried, do it with ceramic."

[Photo = MBC 'Radio Star' capture]

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Seon-ae)