Teller Report

Yen exchange rate drops to 1 dollar = 140 yen 90 sen level Yen depreciation level for the first time in about 24 years

9/6/2022, 5:41:35 AM

[NHK] The depreciation of the yen progressed in the Tokyo foreign exchange market on the 6th, and the yen exchange rate fell to the 1 dollar = 140 yen 90 level, the first time in about 24 years since 1998...

The yen depreciated on the Tokyo foreign exchange market on the 6th, dropping to the ¥140.90 level against the dollar, the lowest level since 1998 in about 24 years.

On the afternoon of the 6th of Japan time, the Australian central bank announced an interest rate hike, and as a result of renewed awareness of the interest rate differential between major currencies and the yen, yen selling intensified.

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